Title: Reconnoitering the impact of brand's corporate social responsibility on consumer behavioural outcomes - testing the mediating role of attitude

Authors: Saubhagya Bhalla

Addresses: University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the factors affecting the attitude of consumers towards brand with respect to CSR by taking attitude as a mediator. Using random sampling, data was collected from 100 respondents from three cities. Linear regression, Baron and Kenny (1986) and ANOVA has been applied. Results reveal that perceived CSR strongly impacts attitude and behavioural outcomes. However, knowledge of CSR initiatives has no impact. The major finding is that the attitude has a strong mediating impact on the relationship of CSR factors and behavioural outcomes. Males and females differ in their attitude and purchase intention, marketers must build strategies to tap the market. Brands must develop effective communication strategies to build awareness. Finally, as CSR helps in achieving short-term goal and long-term goals, the companies must be actively engaged in contributing towards social, economic, and environmental domains.

Keywords: perceived CSR; knowledge of CSR initiatives; attitude towards brand; intention to purchase; brand advocacy; intention to recommend.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBDA.2020.112158

International Journal of Business and Data Analytics, 2020 Vol.1 No.4, pp.318 - 333

Received: 10 Jan 2020
Accepted: 30 Mar 2020

Published online: 04 Jan 2021 *

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