Title: Organisational flourishing and performance: research with professors from a public university
Authors: Elvis Silveira-Martins; Michele Raasch; Camila Cabrera Gomes; Otávio Augusto Zanin Delevedove; Felipe Kopp Leite
Addresses: Federal University of Pelotas, Gomes Carneiro Street, 1, 96.010-610, Pelotas/RS, Brazil ' Federal University of Pelotas, Gomes Carneiro Street, 1, 96.010-610, Pelotas/RS, Brazil ' Federal University of Pelotas, Gomes Carneiro Street, 1, 96.010-610, Pelotas/RS, Brazil ' Federal University of Pelotas, Gomes Carneiro Street, 1, 96.010-610, Pelotas/RS, Brazil ' Federal University of Pelotas, Gomes Carneiro Street, 1, 96.010-610, Pelotas/RS, Brazil
Abstract: The organisational flourishing is related to the perception of positive emotions and the promotion of better professional performance of individuals flourishing at work. So, this article aims to confront the organisational flourishing with the performance perceived by professors at a federal public university in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. For this purpose, a survey was carried out with 107 professors of applied social sciences courses (CNPq classification). The analysis was based on multivariate statistical techniques such as: exploratory factorial analysis, confirmatory factorial analysis and structural equation modelling. The results had a positive relation between the organisational flourishing and the performance perceived by professors, being consistent with the literature appointments. The results help in the decision-making of strategies that the university management has used for its professors, aiming at its performance and to the literature on organisational flourishing using as public-target professors of a public university.
Keywords: organisational flourishing; performance; public university; professors.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2021.112140
International Journal of Business Performance Management, 2021 Vol.22 No.1, pp.59 - 74
Accepted: 14 Jun 2020
Published online: 04 Jan 2021 *