Title: Transliteration recognition of Tibetan person name based on Tibetan cultural knowledge
Authors: Zhijuan Wang; Wenguang Fang; Xiaobing Zhao; Wei Song; Yinghui Feng; Yining Chang
Addresses: School of Information Engineering, Minzu University of China, Beijing, China ' School of Information Engineering, Minzu University of China, Beijing, China ' School of Information Engineering, Minzu University of China, Beijing, China ' School of Information Engineering, Minzu University of China, Beijing, China ' China Mobile Information Technology Co. Ltd., Guangzhou, China ' College of Applied Science and Technology, Illinois State University, Chicago, USA
Abstract: Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Lexical Analysis System (ICTCLAS) is a common tool for Chinese word segmentation and named entity recognition. With this tool, the F1 value of person name recognition from Chinese texts in Tibetan culture is only 40%. We propose a method for transliteration recognition of Tibetan person name based on Tibetan cultural knowledge. Firstly, we leverage Tibetan cultural dictionary to improve the word segmentation performance of ICTCLAS. Then, special contextual features and naming rules of Tibetan person name in their culture are adopted to determine the boundary of Chinese transliteration of Tibetan person name. Finally, the transliteration candidates of Tibetan person name are filtered based on discrimination and reliability. Experiments on a 1.2 M Tibetan text in Tibetan culture show that the method can increase the F1 value of Chinese transliteration recognition of Tibetan person name from 40.08% to 87.92% in ICTCLAS.
Keywords: transliteration; Tibetan person name; Tibetan cultural knowledge; discrimination; reliability.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCSE.2020.107352
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, 2020 Vol.22 No.2/3, pp.305 - 312
Received: 04 Apr 2019
Accepted: 13 Aug 2019
Published online: 18 May 2020 *