Title: Work-integrated learning: a powerful connecting tool between classroom and industry
Authors: Mamorena Lucia Matsoso; Olumide Henrie Benedict
Addresses: UCT Graduate School of Business, Breakwater Campus, 8 Portswood Road, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa ' Department of Financial Accounting and Taxation, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, P.O. Box 652, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa
Abstract: Academics believe that work integrated learning (WIL) is no longer essential and that it takes up a lot of teaching and learning time. They also believe that teaching time should be extended and that students would seek employment on their own upon completion of their diplomas and degrees. However, we are of the opinion that WIL is vital to the growth and career development of students. We determined the 'students-employer' perceptions on the benefits, expectations and experiences of WIL in higher education. Data that were collected through questionnaires were analysed with the use of statistical tools. We then obtained trends from the findings. We discovered that WIL is beneficial in bridging a gap between the classroom and the industry. Exchange lecturers and guest lecturers from the industry may be a plausible way to supplement WIL. Lecturers need to keep abreast of industry expectations and acclimatise their curriculum as some theories maybe obsolete and detached from practice.
Keywords: cooperative learning; work integrated learning; WIL; higher education; experiential training; university of technology; UOT.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2020.104296
International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 2020 Vol.11 No.1, pp.94 - 112
Received: 23 Jun 2018
Accepted: 17 Jun 2019
Published online: 02 Jan 2020 *