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International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing

International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing (IJLTM)

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International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Assessing visitor satisfaction at a South African zoo by means of an importance-performance analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Prudence Ngwenya, Uwe Hermann, Lisa Welthagen 
    Abstract: Zoos attract millions of visitors per year. Determining the expectations of visitors, and the quality of facilities and services is essential to improve overall satisfaction. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to assess the importance and perceived performance of attributes of the national zoological garden (NZG) by using the importance-performance analysis (IPA) to investigate overall visitor satisfaction. The research approach of this study was descriptive quantitative research. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 330 visitors at the NZG using convenience sampling. The IPA was used to determine the NZG attributes that are performing well and the attributes that need to be improved. While the NZG, maintains its position as a safe and convenient place for children and families, more managerial attention is required to improve the zoo’s service and facilities, events and educational programmes, and effective marketing communication to increase overall visitor satisfaction while creating unique memorable experiences for visitors.
    Keywords: visitor satisfaction; nature-based tourism; NBT; national zoological garden; NZG; attributes; importance-performance analysis; IPA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLTM.2023.10062317
  • Promotion of Emerging Tourism Destinations in Social Media: Evidence from Post-Soviet Central Asian Countries   Order a copy of this article
    by Azamat Maksudunov, Kyialbek Dyikanov 
    Abstract: Facebook is becoming widely used by all private, public, and non-governmental organisations in Central Asia. However, this study is limited to national tourism organisations, operating to promote the destination. The primary purpose of the study is to reveal the current state of online promotion activities of national tourism organisations in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. The Facebook pages of the above-mentioned organisations were subjected to content analysis. According to the results, the adoption of social media as a destination-marketing tool has been actively used for the last few years as a relatively new phenomenon in Central Asia. Moreover, social media is being used insufficiently in terms of content, language, and user engagement. Still, the research results revealed that Kazakhstan was in a better position, followed by Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The findings of this study may provide important clues for the relevant government institutions and organisations responsible for destination marketing.
    Keywords: tourism destination; destination promotion; social media; Facebook; national tourism organisations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLTM.2023.10062520