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International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital

International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital (IJLIC)

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International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Factors determining employee engagement role in Malaysian private higher educational institutions   Order a copy of this article
    by Afandi Yusof, Elsadig Musa Ahmed, Al Mansor Abu Said 
    Abstract: This study’s primary purpose is to establish a model of employee engagement from the perspective of academics in Malaysian Private Higher Educational Institutions (PHEIs) that may contribute to the body of knowledge. It is carried out to determine the mediating role of the meaning of work, a dimension under the higher construct of psychological empowerment, in the relationships between perceived organisational support, job characteristics, and skills utilisation on employee engagement in the context of PHEIs in Malaysia. Data was collected among 308 academics with a 65% response rate. This study found that the meaning of work partially mediates the relationship between job characteristics and skills utilisation on employee engagement. Thus, this study recommends that PHEIs should consider prioritising efforts that enhance job characteristics and skills utilisation and streaming the academics based on baskets of tasks or key performance indicators (KPIs) that incorporate their choice of inclination.
    Keywords: employee engagement; psychological empowerment; the meaning of work; perceived organisational support; job characteristics; skills utilisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLIC.2023.10060889
  • Green intellectual capital and entrepreneurial orientation enabling environmental performance: mediating role of innovation capability in Indian manufacturing SMEs   Order a copy of this article
    by Manigandan Raman, Naga Venkata Raghuram Jeedigunta, Geetha Krishnan, Sailatha Karpurapu, Keerthi Jain 
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate the influence of green intellectual capital (green human capital, green structural capital, green rational capital) and entrepreneurial orientation on environmental performance with the mediating role of innovation capability. This study utilises the natural resource-based view theory. The data was collected from a sample of 186 manufacturing SMEs in India. The descriptive analysis is through SPSS. The hypothesis testing through structural equation modelling, predictive relevance, and effect size in smart PLS software. The results demonstrate that green intellectual capital positively impacts environmental performance. Moreover, the study confirms that innovation capability positively mediates the relationship between green intellectual capital, entrepreneurial orientation, and environmental performance. This study provides valuable insights for government and manufacturing SME owners and managers. The study contributes to advancing the literature and mediating the role of innovation capability role to achieve sustainable performance in SMEs.
    Keywords: green intellectual capital; GIC; entrepreneurial orientation; environmental performance; innovation capability; natural resource-based view theory; NRBV; Indian manufacturing SMEs.

  • Analysis of the intellectual capital effect on financial performance: systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Ranila Suciati, Sumiati Sumiati, Nur Khusniyah Indrawati, Andarwati Andarwati 
    Abstract: This research uses bibliometric analysis on 1,183 Scopus publications to investigate the connection between intellectual capital and financial performance. The study highlights the Journal of Intellectual Capital as the primary source of articles. Notably, article numbers fluctuated, with a 72% increase in 1998 and a significant 96% decrease in 2023. Prominent keywords include intellectual capital, human capital, and knowledge management, often rooted in resource-based view (RBV) theory. The findings confirm the consensus linking intellectual capital and financial performance, guiding evidence-based business strategies. These results align with analyses in the Journal of Intellectual Capital, indexed by Scopus and WOS, reinforcing the significant relationship. However, data limitations, research methodologies, generalisation challenges, and prior research constraints emphasise the need for further investigation to comprehensively understand the intellectual capital and financial performance relationship.
    Keywords: intellectual capital; IC; financial performance; FP; value-added intellectual capital; VAIC; resource based-view; RBV; bibliometric analyst.