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International Journal of Intellectual Property Management

International Journal of Intellectual Property Management (IJIPM)

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International Journal of Intellectual Property Management (26 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Innovation Capabilities with Strategic Orientations towards Firm Performance in Technology Based Organizations: The Managerial Implications for Future of Business   Order a copy of this article
    by Avinash Pawar, Balkrishan Sangvikar, Retno Purwani Setyaningrum, Henry Loupias, Denok Sunarsi 
    Abstract: Information technology is the most innovative and fastest-growing industry in the world. In this context, this paper aims to discover the mediating role of innovation capability on the dimensions of strategic orientations and its outcomes in the performance of information technology firms in India. Moreover, it also explains the relevance of adopting innovative endeavours by high-tech information technology firms. The data is collected through the questionnaire. The study finds that innovation capability plays a predominant role in enhancing entrepreneurial and technological orientation behaviours to lead efficacious performance firms. In contrast, marketing orientation does not augment its long-term growth even in the presence of intervening variables of innovation capability in information technology. The outcome of this study helps in fostering a culture for innovation while considering the dynamics of the interactions in the dimensions of a firms strategic orientation behaviours for realizing superiority in its performance for success.
    Keywords: business innovation; strategic orientation; technological orientation; entrepreneurial orientation; marketing orientation; innovation capability; firm performance; information technology firms.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2021.10041684
  • Reporting and disclosure of intellectual capital: a literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Shilpa Bhide 
    Abstract: The objective of the paper is to review the literature on the measurement methods, valuation, and disclosure (reporting) of intellectual capital. Research papers from 1998 to 2021 were collected, studied, and classified into relevant and non-relevant for the present study. Out of 150 research papers, 91 papers were identified and studied in detail, out of which around 64 research papers appear in the literature review. The results of the literature review were that it was observed in many cases the disclosures are voluntary and there seems to be no harmonisation in the disclosure requirements. Disclosure and reporting can help in decision-making to the stakeholders, even if the measurement and valuation are difficult. It can also be observed that in different types of businesses the degree of reporting and disclosures are different and influences the profit and the firms financial performance, making it an important component of disclosures and reporting.
    Keywords: intellectual capital; valuation; measurement; disclosure; reporting; firm performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2022.10047184
  • IP management of an academic institute: a case study of an Institute of Eminence from India   Order a copy of this article
    by Priyadarshini Singh, Gouri Gargate 
    Abstract: Intellectual property (IP) is one of the key assets and empowers an organisation. It helps the organisation to realise the value of an IP associated with it. Academic and research institutes have capability to generate various forms of IP. However, in developing countries, these academic and research institutes are not always well equipped to identify and efficiently manage IP. In India, Institutes of National Importance (INIs) including Institute of Eminence (IoE) have recognised the importance of IP and developed their intellectual property management system (IPMS). This paper focuses on IPMS of one of Indias IoE. Authors have applied an IPM audit model to understand various IPM processes followed by an IoE to channelise resources for generating revenue through IP. Case study methodology is employed for this study.
    Keywords: innovation; intellectual property; technology transfer; incubators; start-ups; IP management; IP audit; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2022.10047856
  • Intellectual property education with serious games: predictors of perceived learning   Order a copy of this article
    by Jorge Bacca-Acosta, Jenny-Paola Lis-Gutiérrez, Mercedes Gaitan-Angulo, Cecilia Avila-Garzon 
    Abstract: Intellectual property education plays an important role to support innovation and production of knowledge in our society. However, the predictors of perceived learning are not clearly defined when a serious game is used to support learning processes in intellectual property education. To fill this gap, in this study, a serious game for intellectual property education is evaluated and some predictors of students perceived learning are identified. A structural model based on the flow theory was validated using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) with data from 81 university students who used a web-based serious game for learning about what is eligible for patentability or not for a period of five weeks. The results show that the game increases the students learning performance. Moreover, the predictors of perceived learning are concentration, challenge, and ease of use. The implications for theory and practice in intellectual property education are also discussed.
    Keywords: intellectual property education; serious games; perceived learning; flow; patent.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2022.10049892
  • Road safety and patents: a study for sustainable development   Order a copy of this article
    by Soumya Prakash Patra 
    Abstract: Cross-functional application of legal principles in technology is rare but necessary. Technologies now have cross-functional roles in various research areas. For instance, in the automotive field, efforts to develop safer technologies by integrating learnings from embedded systems, IoT, etc. are ongoing. Balancing public interest in making technologies affordable and commercial interests of innovators is necessary when implementing such inventions in big markets. In this regard, legal jurisprudence and technological learnings from the management of telecom patents by SSOs under FRAND can be followed in other areas such as automotive safety systems. This article proposes a sui-generis model for regulating standard essential patents (SEPs) in the automotive domain and explores legal reasoning for legislation that balances private and public interests in developing economies like India.
    Keywords: standard essential patent; SEP; patents; automotive standards; antilock brake systems; ABS; combined brake systems; CBS; standardisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2023.10056769
  • Emotional intelligence and managerial leadership in the fast moving consumer durable goods industry in Indias perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Mithila Roy Bardhan, Madhurima Ganguly 
    Abstract: Dynamic nature of the FMCG sector perpetually provides a tricky challenge for organisational leaders to nurture their employees. High demand for products, less shelf life and tough competitors always challenge the leaders to uphold their products in the market. Due to technology and e-commerce, many new competitors have joined the market, vying with the industrys veterans. Due to their unique business models that match client needs, these firms are expected to boost FMCG industry income in the future. Managers leadership styles depend primarily on emotional intelligence. This quantitative study examines how emotional intelligence influences West Bengal FMCG senior managers leadership styles. 500 FMCG managers were selected. PLS-SEM is used to study. Emotionally competent leaders choose transactional and transformational leadership styles depending on the occasion. Managers transactional leadership style is strongly influenced by their sympathetic awareness, as shown by a path coefficient of 0.755. Transformational leadership style has a path coefficient of 0.693, indicating that managers empathy affects their organisational management. Thus, sympathetic awareness and emotion regulation predict good management leadership.
    Keywords: mpathetic awareness; transactional leadership; transformational leadership; managerial employees; India’s perspective; fast-moving consumer durable; FMCG; managerial leadership.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2023.10057769
  • Intellectual property protection for virtual assets and brands in the Metaverse: issues and challenges   Order a copy of this article
    by Karun Sanjaya, P.R.L. Rajavenkatesan 
    Abstract: Intellectual property rights face new obstacles and possibilities as a result of the emergence of the Metaverse, a simulation of the actual world. This paper explores the current status of intellectual property rights in the Metaverse and examines the challenges and opportunities for enforcement. The article describes virtual assets and investigates their copyright and trademark protection. It also examines the protection of user-generated content in the Metaverse and the potential liability for copyright infringement. The article concludes with a consideration of the technological and jurisdictional obstacles to enforcing intellectual property rights in the Metaverse, as well as possible solutions for stakeholders. This paper will appeal to lawyers, policymakers, developers of virtual assets, platform owners, and anyone interested in the convergence of technology and intellectual property rights.
    Keywords: intellectual property rights; Metaverse; virtual assets; user-generated content; UGC; liability; challenges.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2023.10060216
  • Intellectual property management in technology management: a comprehensive bibliometric analysis during 20002022   Order a copy of this article
    by Gao Yuan, Rahimi Abidin, Faisal Zulhumadi 
    Abstract: Presently, there are many existing academic studies on the development, protection and operation of intellectual property management (IPM). Therefore, provides a comprehensive econometric analysis in order to provide scholars, with a clearer understanding of the evolution and development of IP management research during 2000 to 2022. The study is aiming to help scholars to better discern the expanding IPM research field from a multidimensional perspective. The database used for this analysis is the Web of Science Core Collection database. After retrieval through keywords and using a variety of tools such as CiteSpace, VOS viewer, Bibliometrix and HistCite, 1033 documents were refined to conduct the econometric analysis, and produce graphs. The findings indicate that the US is a highly active country/region in the field IP management research, and its expanding IP management research is branching out into other disciplines. The study also presents the future directions and possible challenges for IPM in technology management.
    Keywords: intellectual property; intellectual property management; bibliometric analysis; visualisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2023.10060735
  • Knowledge diffusion and new technologies: a spillover analysis on the artificial intelligence case   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmed Bounfour, Alberto Nonnis, Phuong Le, Clément Sternberger 
    Abstract: This paper studies knowledge diffusion between different types of organisations (platforms, large organisations, and smaller organisations) through spillovers within the artificial intelligence (AI) sector. Analysing patent-based data from 2000 to 2019 and a large panel of approximately 97,000 worldwide applicants, we observe that knowledge created by all categories positively influence knowledge creation within the sample. However, the benefits of spillovers vary across categories, with platforms that show limited gains from knowledge diffusion, while smaller organisations emerge as the primary beneficiaries of knowledge created by the other categories.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; AI; knowledge; knowledge diffusion; patent analysis; digital platforms.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2023.10062733
  • Constitutional and international legal framework for the protection of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge: a South African perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by James Chapangara Mugabe, Lonias Ndlovu, Desmond Osaretin Oriakhogba 
    Abstract: The value and utility of traditional knowledge in conserving and commercialising genetic resources are increasingly becoming apparent due to advances in biotechnology and bioprospecting. However, the absence of an international legally binding instrument within the WIPO system means that traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources is not sufficiently protected like other forms of intellectual property. This means that indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) do not benefit from the commercial exploitation of these resources. The efficacy of domestic tools to protect traditional knowledge and in balancing the rights of IPLCs and intellectual property rights (IPRs) is still debated. This paper employs a doctrinal research methodology based on desktop research of international and regional law instruments and the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, to determine the basis for balancing the protection of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge with competing interests of IPLCs and IPRs in South Africa.
    Keywords: genetic resources; traditional knowledge; biopiracy; indigenous peoples and local communities; WIPO-IGC; convention on biological diversity; CBD.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2023.10062841
  • The danger of deepfakes, Indian laws and platform responsibility   Order a copy of this article
    by Smarnika Srivastava 
    Abstract: In the realm of digital media, deepfakes have become the most sophisticated means of spreading disinformation and indulging in harms such as pornography, commercial frauds, fake news, and political propaganda. This paper analyses a few current legal solutions in India which can be repurposed to apply to deepfakes, such as copyright, criminal laws, right to privacy, etc., however, it has been argued that these are insufficient to tackle these threats. In recent years, India has seen a shift towards platform responsibility and pro-active monitoring, in light of which, the author discusses the reasons why intermediaries should be responsible for moderating content. To do the same, platforms need to strike a balance between respecting the fundamental rights of users and due process principles while taking down harmful content. The author also suggests that criminal legislation should be updated to encompass the harmful uses of deepfakes so that platforms have a legal basis to respond to them, amongst other solutions. Further, some recommendations have been made in the paper on how platforms can update their policies and guidelines to combat the same.
    Keywords: deepfakes; pro-active monitoring; content moderation policy; platform responsibility; intermediary liability; IT Rules 2021.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2024.10062876
  • An empirical study on message forwarding on social networking sites: a sample of Vietnamese users   Order a copy of this article
    by Quang Dung Truong, Nam Tien Duong, Thuy Dung Pham Thi 
    Abstract: The study aimed to explore the influence of message perceptions, social identity, and subjective norms on message-forwarding intentions among users on social networking sites (SNS). Integration of the information adoption model and the technology adoption model 2 was used as a theoretical background. With a sample of 350 participants, the study attempted to investigate the relationships among the constructs. SPSS and AMOS were used to perform statistical analysis. The findings showed that: 1) the message quality and the credibility of the message source affect users perceived message usefulness; 2) users sense of social identity with the SNS affects their subjective norm of the community; 3) the expectations and opinions of community members affect users intentions to forward messages; 4) users message perceptions (e.g., perceived message usefulness, playfulness) have a positive impact on their forwarding intentions. Finally, the findings can provide SNS operators and researchers with some insights.
    Keywords: forwarding; identity; user perception; subjective norms; source credibility.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2024.10062954
  • Understanding the possibilities, challenges, and opportunities in relationship between IPRs and food technology   Order a copy of this article
    by Khushboo Bhurat, Swapnil Sureshchandra Bhurat, Priyanka Dhoot 
    Abstract: The role of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in the context of food innovation and protection is of great importance in both global and Indian scenarios. It highlights the significance of IPRs in encouraging investment in research and development (R&D) within the food industry. This review emphasises the positive impact of IPRs in promoting R&D investment in the Indian food sector that have leveraged IPRs to foster innovation in food processing techniques and establish distinctive brand identities. The review also delves into the challenges and limitations of IPRs in food technology. The protection of traditional foods and cultural heritage is another area where IPRs have limitations, despite the existence of geographical indications (GIs) for certain products. The intersection of IPRs and food safety regulations has been examined distinctively to emphasise the need to balance intellectual property rights with public health concerns. Harmonisation of IPRs and food safety standards, facilitated by international organisations like the world trade organisation (WTO) and the codex alimentarius commission, is seen as a positive step towards ensuring compatibility and coherence between the two regulatory frameworks.
    Keywords: IPR in food industry; IPR and food safety; food patents; food GIs; trade secret.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2024.10063551
  • The impact of intellectual capital on financial performance for selected Indian pharmaceutical companies   Order a copy of this article
    by R.S. Mangayarkarasi, C. Mugunthan 
    Abstract: This paper analyses, in light of the evolving Indian pharmaceutical business, the critical relationship between financial success and intellectual capital. The study compares the effects of intellectual capital components on key financial measures for distinct organisations. This study is based on the relational, structural, and human capital framework of intellectual capital. Thus, this study suggests increasing overall resource investment to boost revenues. Few studies have examined the sensitivity and comparability of financial performance and returns on equity for Indian pharmaceutical enterprises. For Indian pharmaceutical businesses, this procedure examines return on equity, operating profit margin, gross profit margin, net profit margin, total asset turnover, and financial leverage. The study discovered a strong positive association between intellectual capital and financial performance. The report suggests policymakers, regulators, and directors invest in intellectual capital to boost financial success. This study compares Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited, Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited, Dr. Laboratories Reddys Limited, Divis Laboratories Limited, and Cipla Limited. The companies were chosen by market cap. A selection of pharmaceutical businesses 20192023 net profit, earnings per share, operational profit margins, and annual sales growth are examined in this study.
    Keywords: Indian pharmaceutical; intellectual capital; financial performance; Dupont model; encompasses relational; structural and human capital; theoretical foundation; pharmaceutical businesses; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2024.10063833
  • Game-changing factor: the recognition of video gamers copyrights   Order a copy of this article
    by Ruslan Budnik, Maxim Zverev, Astamur Tedeev 
    Abstract: The article discusses the idea that video gamers should have copyrights for the works they create and tests the hypothesis that players aim to make money by selling their rights, while game owners often deny such rights. The paper argues that allowing users to trade their intellectual property (IP) rights can benefit owners of video games and reduce the existence of a grey market for gaming items. The research methodology involves a doctrinal analysis of the protectability of artefacts developed by players, a classification of the provisions on IP rights of end-user agreements, a targeted survey among gamers about their motivation, as well as a debriefing of holders of hacker gaming platforms about their attitude to the copyrights of users. Our results show that players should have copyrights for the created works and the viability of a business model built on the legal trade of gamers' IP rights.
    Keywords: video games; creativity of gamers; gaming artifacts; gamers’ copyright; gamers’ motivation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2024.10064096
  • New product development is possible with green patent: the moderating role of technological advancement and sustainable development goals   Order a copy of this article
    by Gao Yuan, Rahimi Abidin, Faisal Zulhumadi 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to measure the impact of green patents, technology advancement, and sustainable development goals on new product development. A Likert-scale questionnaire was developed, and data was collected from the production managers of different Chinese large-scale firms. A sample of 285 respondents was collected with cross-sectional approach. The findings of this study were determined using partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The empirical findings confirmed that the impact of green patents, technological advancement, and sustainable development goals is positive and strong on new product development. The study also confirmed that the moderation of technological advancement and sustainable development goals positively strengthens the relationship between green patents and new product development. The study concluded that the role of green patent is important for new product development in Chinese market. The research theoretically improved the body of knowledge and provided valuable recommendations for policy implications.
    Keywords: green patent; technological advancement; product development; sustainable development goals.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2024.10064172
  • Corporate governance and intellectual capitalefficiency: empirical evidence from Palestine   Order a copy of this article
    by Raed Abdelhaq, Ammar Salem, Duha Rabaia, Lina Jardaneh, Abdulnaser Ibrahim Nour, Abdalmuttaleb M.A. Musleh Al-Sartawi 
    Abstract: This paper aims to examine the association between corporate governance (CG) and intellectual capital (IC) efficiency in the context of Palestine. The study sample consist 43 firms, which listed in Palestine Stock Exchange (PEX) over the period 2013 to 2022, totalling 430 observations. Utilising the value-added intellectual coefficient to measure IC encompassing human, structural, and employed capital and robust regression analysis through STATA software. Findings indicate a significant association between IC and both board gender diversity and board education, while board size and CEO duality appear associated. These insights offer practical guidance for regulatory bodies, management, and shareholders, especially serves the Capital Market Authority in supporting the implementation of the five-year financial technology strategy, as this study provides empirical evidence to support this initiative at the appropriate time. This novel research enhances understanding of CGs impact on IC in emerging markets, a relatively unexplored area in existing literature. In particular, to the authors knowledge, this study is the first in Palestine that explore the association between IC and CG.
    Keywords: corporate governance; intellectual capital efficiency; Palestine Stock Exchange; PEX; Palestine.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2024.10064510
  • Pre-grant opposition: a strategic tool for patent invalidation and boosting innovation   Order a copy of this article
    by Bhanu Verma, Ajayta Agarwal, Pratyush Maiti, Shibaji Ghosh 
    Abstract: The article outlines the process of pre-grant opposition and the requisite criterion for the same. The case in question is an application for a patent that faced significant objections on the absence of inventive steps and the subject matter falling under non-patentable sections of the Patent Act from the Patent Office and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). CSIR filed a pre-grant opposition in the form of representation, challenging the patentability of the application on grounds covered u/s 25(1). Indian patent office accepted the representation filed by CSIR and denied the grant of patent under Section 25(1) as per Rule 55(6). Then the appellant appealed in the High Court at New Delhi and the court concluded that the subject application did not meet the requirements of Section 3(d) and Section 2(1)(ja) of the Act, and the invention did not address the objection raised by the Indian patent office.
    Keywords: opposition; pre-grant opposition; The Patents Act 1970; inventive step; obviousness; economic significance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2024.10064558
  • Economic intellectual growth significance and youth unemployment: a cross-country analysis (20002023)   Order a copy of this article
    by Mengyang Gu, Xingmei Hu, Xiaolin Ma 
    Abstract: The study presents a dynamic interaction between the pace of intellectual economic growth and youth unemployment in four countries: Brazil, South Africa, Germany, and the USA. The analysis spans 23 years, from 2000 to 2023. A deeper study of secondary data gathered from reliable worldwide sources is investigated in this research project using the quantitative research approach. According to the data, youth unemployment was predicted and influenced by economic growth at different times. The influence of major variables, such as the inflation rate, wage levels, and foreign direct investment (FDI), varied among the countries. Unexpectedly, South Africas GDP growth rate correlates adversely with youth unemployment, while foreign direct investment correlates positively. The Brazil analysis identified no significant predictors, suggesting other variables may affect the model. The study employs regression models and Granger causality tests to find trends, correlations, and probable causal links between economic indicators and teenage labour market outcomes. Pre-processing and data extraction with STATA organise and purify data for research analysis.
    Keywords: youth unemployment; economic intellectual growth; cross-country analysis; inflation; foreign direct investment; FDI; gross domestic product; granger causality.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2024.10065298
  • Multiplication complexity in education activities with fair use principle of copyright in Indonesia   Order a copy of this article
    by Devit Achmad Gustiyawan, Ahmad M. Ramli, Rika Ratna Permata, Miranda Risang Ayu Palar 
    Abstract: Multiplication is copy and duplicate activities to a papers under education purposes it is a violation form of copyright in Indonesia. The principle of fair use in education refers to the fact of structured violation form. Copy and duplicate the papers of the authors under education purposes has provided commercial (business) benefit is for libraries and universities. The research method is conducted using the observation method in libraries that duplicate papers in universities. The method also using the normative juridical method that connects between duplication of the papers in library and university with the fair use principle. The results explain the authors loss from copy and duplicate the papers activity in library and university only can be done by implementing the responsibility system. Copy and duplicate the papers of the authors in libraries and university can be allowed if fulfils the elements of copyright protection in new concept.
    Keywords: multiplication; copyright; violation; university; library; Indonesia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2023.10065777
  • Disruptive innovation and digital economy: antitrust practices and legal challenges   Order a copy of this article
    by Sherin Priyan, Gouri Gargate 
    Abstract: Disruptive innovation has complicated the innovation competition debate due to its fundamental nature of changing consumer markets and their choices. In this paper, the authors have focused on the scope and extent of disruptive innovation, the effect on the existing market players (incumbents), and the role of the digital markets in increasing the frequency of disruptive innovation. The authors have considered the role played by disruptive incumbents, mainly the big tech companies, and the treatment of the regulatory authorities toward such business practices. In analysing this, the authors have considered the USA, EU, and India merger control practices. Doctrinal research methodology is used for this research.
    Keywords: disruptive innovation; incumbent firms; digital disruptions; abuse of dominant position; market definition.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2024.10066390
  • Incidence of speculations in equity return: evidence from Indian share market   Order a copy of this article
    by Jimnee Deka, Meghna Sharma, Kamesh Tiwari 
    Abstract: The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and the efficient market hypothesis (EHM), two essential aspects of theorising traditional financial theories, assume rationality in investors and the overall market. These challenge the assumptions of investors being rational and making informed decisions. Human sentiments, behaviour, and emotions have started conquering the study of financial markets. Several studies are already dedicated to learning the risk-return component of the financial market. But there has been less devotion towards understanding what makes equities investments to be considered inherently riskier than debts. The analysis here attempts to separate fundamental and speculative factors from the performance of the Indian market indices. The fundamental element mimics the pattern in the firms' profits and how that affects investment returns. The impact of a change in the valuation of earnings on investment returns, or in other words, a movement in the P/E values, is shown in the speculative component. The optimism and pessimism level of investors is the cause of this. Statistical analysis of the market's overall returns demonstrates a considerable prevalence of speculative elements.
    Keywords: behavioural finance; equity returns; financial markets; Indian share market; fundamental analysis; speculative returns.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2023.10056386
  • The effects of employee engagement on workplace motivation, growth opportunities, and retention pattern   Order a copy of this article
    by S. Kasinathan, M. Rajee 
    Abstract: This research aims to determine how employee engagement (EE) impacts employee retention in the IT industry. This research was conducted in Chennai city (capital of the Indian State of Tamil Nadu). This cross-sectional study has been designed to combine descriptive and analytical elements to assess two distinct components, namely workplace motivation and growth opportunities. These two elements were carefully examined: their importance to EE and their effect on employee retention (ER). This study has been designed with a sample of 472 respondents to get the necessary data. The Social Sciences Statistical Package (SPSS v.16) Software was employed for quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The association between the factors highly linked to EE and ER was used to test hypotheses. The report suggests that the IT sector should regularly assess motivational factors and provide possibilities for growth to retain potential talent.
    Keywords: employee engagement; motivation; opportunity for growth; retention; employee retention pattern; IT industry; cross-sectional study; individual outcome; degree of commitment; employee involvement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2023.10058777
  • Protecting intellectual property in low trust environments: game theoretic modelling of overproduction in contract manufacturing   Order a copy of this article
    by Zachary A. Collier, Dale A. Henderson, Jerry M. Kopf 
    Abstract: The deverticalisation of the global semiconductor supply chain has resulted in the common practice of contract manufacturing, in which a design house outsources fabrication to a third-party manufacturer. Despite cost savings associated with this practice, there exist risks associated with the unauthorised intellectual property use represented by the chip design. For example, overproduction occurs when the manufacturer produces additional units beyond the contracted amount and sells them at a discount, undercutting the design house. We conceptualise and model the overproduction problem as a risky 'make or buy' decision for the chip designer using decision analysis and game theory. We find that when the problem is viewed as an iterated game, strategies emerge to incentivise cooperation between the designer and manufacturer. However, we also find that a means to detect whether overproduction has occurred is required.
    Keywords: overproduction; contract manufacturing; outsourcing; supply chain risk management; intellectual property.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2023.10059124
  • South African dagga: piping on the related intellectual property rights and indigenous knowledge systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Desmond O. Oriakhogba, Chijioke I. Okorie, Livhuwani Sosanah Lavhengwa 
    Abstract: The use of dagga has been partially legalised and decriminalised in South Africa and there is increasing awareness with regards to its importance to national development. Thus, a dagga industry is emerging in South Africa. Intellectual property rights (IPR), and indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) are potential means for harnessing the economic benefits of dagga and developing the emerging dagga industry. Currently, there exists a scarcity of South African literature on the significance of IPR and IKS to the emerging dagga industry in South Africa. However, existing foreign literature on the subject demonstrate the intricate, varied and heterogeneous implications of IPR and IKS on the use, cultivation, and growth of dagga for national economic development. Based on desk research, this paper determines the legal and policy strategies for the protection of IPR and IKS stakeholders and indigenous communities within the emerging dagga industry in South Africa. It examines the current legal and policy reforms surrounding the partial legalisation and decriminalisation of dagga in South Africa, the ensuing IPR and IKS issues and the various strategies applicable for harnessing their economic benefits.
    Keywords: dagga; cannabis; intellectual property rights; IPR; indigenous knowledge systems; IKS; legalisation; decriminalisation; South Africa.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2023.10059757
  • Leveraging Twitter analytics for the role of intellectual property in entrepreneurship   Order a copy of this article
    by Cristina Blanco González-Tejero, Maria Teresa Del Val Nuñez, Antonio García Blanco 
    Abstract: In today's fast-paced business world, the understanding of intellectual property (IP) and its impact on entrepreneurship is crucial. Twitter has emerged as a valuable source of big data analytics, providing valuable insights into market trends and consumer behaviour. This study explores the role of Twitter analytics in improving the role of IP in entrepreneurship, utilising advanced methods of natural language processing (NLP), including topic modelling, n-gram analysis, and sentiment analysis. The results of this study provide meaningful insights into the application of these methodologies for the evaluation of IP in the context of entrepreneurship and the potential of Twitter analytics to enhance the strategic planning and management of IP in business. This research provides a valuable resource for entrepreneurs, IP professionals, and researchers in the field of entrepreneurship, contributing to the ongoing discussions on the role of IP in entrepreneurship and the impact of social media on business strategy.
    Keywords: intellectual property; entrepreneurship; Twitter analytics; social media mining; natural language processing; NLP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2023.10064440