International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms (IJKESDP)

International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms

2015 Vol.5 No.1

Pages Title and author(s)
1-30Implementation of optimum binning, ensemble learning and re-sampling techniques to predict student's performance
Raisul Islam Rashu; Syed Tanveer Jishan; Naheena Haq; Rashedur M. Rahman
DOI: 10.1504/IJKESDP.2015.073454
31-50The design and development of a mobile communication tool for autistic individuals - AutiSay
Nyuk Hiong Voon; Abdullah Maidin; Halina Jumaat; Muhammad Zulfadhli Ahmad; Siti Nor Bazilah
DOI: 10.1504/IJKESDP.2015.073460
51-64Quantifying aesthetic beauty through its dimensions: a case study on trochoids
Noor Deenina Haji Mohamed Salleh; Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk
DOI: 10.1504/IJKESDP.2015.073479