Title: Dimensions of KM: they know not its called knowledge… but they can manage it!

Authors: Sonal Minocha, George Stonehouse

Addresses: Raffles Education, 99 Beach Road, Singapore 189701. ' Napier University Business School, Craiglockhart Campus, Edinburgh EH14 1DJ, Scotland, UK

Abstract: This paper takes a social perspective on the discipline of Knowledge Management (KM) within the processual, conceptual, and contextual dimensions of teaching this subject in a management education setting. We explore how for our students the concept of knowledge is a fascinating one as most of them wonder what is encompassed within |knowledge management| for it to be a subject, yet we know that they can manage it in their everyday practice of being a PG student or a practitioner. In this paper we aim to re-present KM, through a discussion of its development processes, dimensions based content and the multicultural context of delivering our course and its implications for future reflective practice in the discipline.

Keywords: knowledge management; dimensions of KM; process; content; multicultural context; teaching KM; learning KM; management education.

DOI: 10.1504/IJTCS.2008.019181

International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 2008 Vol.1 No.3, pp.253 - 265

Published online: 01 Jul 2008 *

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