Implementing customer knowledge management with internet social networking
by Hsiaoping Yeh
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS), Vol. 5, No. 3/4, 2014

Abstract: This article introduces the fourth type of customer knowledge, knowledge among customers, which is also essential to studying customer knowledge management and creating greater customer and organisational value. An empirical study is conducted by transferring four types of customer knowledge on a social networking platform to examine the value creation process for customers and employees of organisations. The results indicate that the rookies, among both employees and customers, have more positive attitudes and see with greater value creation with regard to the CKM processes proposed in the article than the more opinionated senior employees and customers. For the frequent customers and employees, the impressions gained from the knowledge conversion process would positively influence their behaviours in the next transaction. However, since the time between two consecutive knowledge conversions is relatively long for customers who make less frequent transactions, their experiences gained from the previous knowledge conversion are likely to be rather vague and thus have less effects on such customers' subsequent behaviours.

Online publication date: Sat, 14-Feb-2015

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