Dynamic generating algorithm on path selection and optimisation in travel planning Online publication date: Tue, 01-Oct-2013
by Lanhua Zhang; Hua Ma; Jing Sun; Wuli Song; Peng Zheng; Shaowei Xue
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 48, No. 3, 2013
Abstract: In order to provide efficient path selecting solution in complex and dynamic transport path selections on travel planning, we put forward a new network generating algorithm to change the dynamic travel planning requirement to static network graph on basis of the complex system theory. By the detailed constructing demonstrations of the algorithm and complex network topology characters applications, path selecting and optimising solution gave new methods for traveller to make plan on travel by their requirements. Theoretical analysis and experimental simulation imply that it is feasible for travellers to make path selection and optimisation with complex network characters statistics and analysis by the dynamic generating algorithm.
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