Micro-structural characterisation of water-based magnetic fluid Online publication date: Wed, 20-Aug-2014
by R.V. Upadhyay; V.K. Aswal; Rucha Desai
International Journal of Nanoparticles (IJNP), Vol. 5, No. 3, 2012
Abstract: The present paper elucidates microstructure analysis of aqueous base dilution insensitive magnetic fluid using different experimental techniques. The structure of the particle was characterised using powder X-ray diffractometer, and it shows single phase spinel structure. The particle size (diameter) and lattice parameters obtained from the analysis are 8.4 ± 0.2 nm and 0.8338 nm, respectively. Average particle diameter and polydispersity index (PDI) obtained from dynamic light scattering experiment are 17 nm and 0.34, respectively. This gives a thickness of 4.3 nm around the particle. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image shows that particles are widely distributed with an average diameter 8.0 ± 1.3 nm. The in-field small angle neutron scattering analysis reveals a difference between the nuclear and magnetic radius of 0.7 nm, which results into a reduction of magnetisation by 40%. The observed higher value of field induced relative change in viscosity, Δη / η0, indicates the formation of chain structure in the fluid. The maximum chain length is of five to six particles and is observed to be reversible.
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