Energy control game model for dynamic spectrum scanning Online publication date: Fri, 05-Dec-2014
by G.V.K. Sasirekha; George Mathew Tharakan; Jyotsna Bapat
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS), Vol. 5, No. 2, 2012
Abstract: Cognitive networks comprise of intelligent radios that are aware of their surroundings. Spectral awareness is achieved by sensing the spectrum and identifying the unoccupied portions of the spectrum. This paper presents a distributed spectrum sensing model for cognitive radio networks, based on noncooperative game theory. A group of cognitive radios operating in the same spectral band constitute the players in this game; where the group goal is overall energy efficiency and effective use of the available spectrum. Each player acquires spectral occupancy information by scanning the spectrum and from the information shared by other players in the group. To accomplish the group objective of gaining accurate spectral information at minimal energy consumption, it is imperative that the number of scanning radios be minimised. Each radio in the group should partially contribute to the spectrum sensing effort and share its information to all others in the network.
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