Analysis of an EPC project: a solution to the resource constrained project scheduling problem using genetic algorithms Online publication date: Sat, 31-Jan-2015
by M. Suresh, Pankaj Dutta, Karuna Jain
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IJISE), Vol. 8, No. 2, 2011
Abstract: This study employs a generalised resource constrained project scheduling problem to estimate an optimal schedule for an engineering–procurement–construction (EPC) project. We present a decision support system using a repetitive mutation-based genetic algorithm for solving multiple resource constrained problems while scheduling the activities in a construction project. The objective is to determine the minimum makespan of the project subject to the precedence and limited resource constraints. The effectiveness of the proposed evolutionary strategy is compared with some standard problems and finally, a real-life EPC project scheduling problem of a petroleum refinery is illustrated.
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