Incorporating water production into forest management planning: a case study in Yalnizcam planning unit Online publication date: Sun, 19-Dec-2010
by Derya Mumcu Kucuker, Emin Zeki Baskent
International Journal of Global Warming (IJGW), Vol. 2, No. 4, 2010
Abstract: Currently, because of water scarcity created by global climate change, integrating of water values provided from forest ecosystem into forest management planning has become great important. This research integrated water values into forest management planning and explained their effects on forest dynamics. Model outputs as Net Present Value (NPV) and amounts of timber and water were used as performance indicators. The results showed that water production aimed strategies (*W) provided minimum timber production while timber production aimed strategies (*T) obtained minimum water production. Results also showed that reforestation of Forest Openings (FO) provide high timber and low water production.
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