The planning of the best production route in the assembly system Online publication date: Wed, 01-Oct-2008
by Anna Dobrzanska-Danikiewicz, Damian Krenczyk
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology (IJMPT), Vol. 33, No. 3, 2008
Abstract: The goal of this realised analyses is outworking of a methodology enabling the planning of the best production route from the set of alternative production routes. The considered approach is applied to the assembly system described by the set of defined matrices. Rhythmic concurrent production with wide assortment in the considered assembly system is realised. The theoretical roots of the considerations presented in this paper include theory of constraints and critical path scheduling techniques. To workout the three-step methodology is the main achievement of the given paper. The methodology permits to solve the decision problem concerning the selection of the fastest production route from the set of the alternative production routes which are possible for the realisation in the assembly system. The presented methodology can become an integrated part of existing authority software which aids the decision-making process connected with production planning and ensures effective utilisation of production resources. [Received on 11 April 2006; Accepted on 21 February 2007]
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