The determinants of non-family employees' turnover intentions in family firms Online publication date: Sun, 13-Aug-2023
by Omer Yazici; Esra Memili; Pankaj C. Patel; Veland Ramadani
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB), Vol. 49, No. 4, 2023
Abstract: While research on the organisational behaviour and HRM (i.e., organisational identification, justice, commitment, and turnover intentions) in family business contexts has been advancing, the empirical investigation of non-family employees' perceptions is still scarce. Drawing upon family business-influenced literature and organisational identification, justice, and commitment theories, we explore the determinants of non-family employees' turnover intentions. Specifically, we examine the impact of non-family employees' family firm identification and perceived justice on family firm commitment, in turn affecting turnover intentions. Furthermore, we examine the moderation effects of perceived family influence on these links. Our findings demonstrate that non-family employees' family firm identification and perceived justice positively affect their family firm commitment, which in turn lowers turnover intentions. While family firm commitment mediates the relationship between family firm identification and turnover intentions, perceived family influence moderates the mediation effects of family firm commitment between family firm identification and turnover intentions.
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