Fuzzy associated trust-based data security in cloud computing by mining user behaviour Online publication date: Wed, 19-Jul-2023
by Thulasi Bikku
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (IJAIP), Vol. 25, No. 3/4, 2023
Abstract: As of now cloud computing assumes an essential part in a variety of areas. Despite the fact that cloud is adaptable and confident, it has a few testing issues to be tended to. A portion of the fundamental issues are cloud security and protection. The proposed fuzzy based security mechanism enhances the security level of data storage in cloud by computing cloud user's trustworthiness depending on their behaviour. Reliability is assessed utilising parameters that express user behaviours such as transfer rate, bandwidth and number of bytes per second of data from service provider to user, time period of access to the cloud system, timings of user visit and IP address used by user for cloud access. Cloud information is ensured by encoding by utilising key created in view of trust level of clients and their continuous admittance design. Frequent access pattern is detected by mining users past behaviour using FP-Growth algorithm. Experiment results show that the proposed scheme withstands black hole attack and offers higher packet delivery ratio.
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