Branch and bound technique for two stage flow shop scheduling model with equipotential machines at every stage Online publication date: Wed, 31-Aug-2022
by Deepak Gupta; Sonia Goel
International Journal of Operational Research (IJOR), Vol. 44, No. 4, 2022
Abstract: Among the different jobs in manufacturing industries job scheduling is one of the most significant at the performance judgment level to facilitate organisation to attain competitiveness. Scheduling consist in allotment of limited resources to jobs over time in order to achieve one or more optimisation objectives. Scheduling has been mostly investigated in case of single machine at each stage or several machine at one stage and sole machine at rest of the stages. This study proposes an exact branch and bound algorithm to schedule n-jobs on two machines with parallel equipotential machines at every phase. The purpose of this work is to find best possible schedule of jobs with the intention to diminish the entire elapsed time and allocate in an optimal mode the lead time of the jobs to parallel equipotential machines of both the type so that total cost of doing all the jobs is minimised.
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