Design of FPC board assembly control system based on robot integration technology
by Yan Liu; Xianrong Jiang; Ya Di; Chao Liu
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control (IJMIC), Vol. 39, No. 1, 2021

Abstract: Assembling a flexible printed circuit (FPC) board to printed circuit board (PCB) is a multi-process and refined work. Using two EPSON C4-A601S robots to work cooperatively to insert both ends of FPC board into electronic circuit board PDF cannot only realise the connection of the two circuits, but also achieve the purpose of high-precision assembly. The design takes the RC700-A robot controller as the core, and cooperates with the vision, force controller and PLC control part to complete the control of the working path and posture of the two robots, and realise the assembly of FPC boards. The application of this system in electronic circuit board assembly cannot only improve efficiency and reduce production cost, but also realise high precision, intelligence and informatisation in the assembly process.

Online publication date: Mon, 13-Jun-2022

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