Review and replication three existing measurement scales of consumer cosmopolitanism: an empirical study in Vietnamese young segment Online publication date: Mon, 21-Jun-2021
by Nhu-Ty Nguyen; Thai-Ngoc Pham
J. for Global Business Advancement (JGBA), Vol. 14, No. 2, 2021
Abstract: In the globalised market, the priority of companies pursuing international achievements is how to identify segments that are favourable foreign products. Consumer cosmopolitanism represents a promising group for implementing successfully cross-cultural strategies. Scholars also agree that the formation process of consumer cosmopolitanism varies from country to country. This study provides a review and replication of the reliability and validity of available measurement scales for consumer cosmopolitanism in Vietnam. The findings highlight a necessity for a new measurement scale of consumer cosmopolitanism applying in the Vietnamese young market and provide a theoretical distinction among related constructs: cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitan, and consumer cosmopolitanism. Theoretical contributions and future recommendations have been suggested in this study.
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