Rabbits and turtles and the quest for entry-timing advantage
by Anni Tuppura
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 3, No. 1, 2009

Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyse the perception of First-Mover Advantage (FMA) mechanisms of groups of firms with different market entry-timing orientation. This study focuses on how strongly the firms with different entry-timing orientations perceive the various first-mover (dis)advantage-providing mechanisms, and how do these perceptions differ according to the industry representation. The market entry timing is operationalised by employing the variable of First-Mover Orientation (FMO) that measures the likeliness of the firm to enter the market early. Multi-industry survey data with 299 representatives from medium- and large-sized firms is employed. The statistical tests are carried out with ANOVA. The result of this study indicates that different entry-timing groups perceive the possible first- or second-mover advantage-providing mechanisms in their environment differently. The firms, whose orientation to move early is higher, recognise more FMA opportunities in their environment. The FMO does not vary across industries. However, the occurrences of the different mechanisms that provide entry-timing advantage do vary between industries.

Online publication date: Sun, 30-Nov-2008

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