A semiotics view through objectification of females in tourism related advertisements
by Vahit Oguz Kiper; Şevki Ulema
International Journal of Tourism Anthropology (IJTA), Vol. 8, No. 2, 2021

Abstract: Females take place in advertisements for different reasons and using them as sexual appeal content is one of them. Like all other industries, advertisers use females in advertisements and this causes the objectification of female which brings some negative consequences such as stereotypes against women and approve of violence against them in the tourism industry. It also marginalises women out of society by creating a perception as they belong to men and men's pleasure by serving them. There are numerous researches about this topic. However this research aims to explore the existence of objectification of females in tourism related advertisements by investigating hotels' picture galleries which are setup to promote hotels to their potential customers. Since nudity and sexuality are subjective terms, contents from literature and two different image sets are used to strengthen the discussion of this paper. Findings present how females become objects of sexual appeal in 5-star hotels' images.

Online publication date: Fri, 09-Jul-2021

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