Chapter 1: Invited Addresses and Tutorials on Signals, Coding,
  Systems and Intelligent Techniques

Title: Traffic Engineering in Multiservice Networks Based on Computational Intelligence

Author(s): Vasilios Pasias, Dimitris Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou

Address: Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Portsmouth and Hellenic Aerospace Industry (AMEC group) | Technical Institute of Chalkis and Hellenic Aerospace Industry (AMEC group) | Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Portsmouth and Hellenic Aerospace Industry (AMEC group)

Reference: 12th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing pp. 153 - 158

Abstract/Summary: In this paper, three new methods for the solution of the off-line Traffic Engineering problem in multi-service networks based on computational intelligence are presented. In the first method the off-line TE problem is formulated as an optimisation model with linear constraints and then solved using a modified version of the Genetic Algorithm for Numerical Optimisation for Constraint Problems (GENOCOP). Besides, a hybrid method for the solution of the aforementioned problem involving GENOCOP and a heuristic TE algorithm is also provided. In the third method the off-line TE optimisation problem is solved using a special constrained simulated annealing algorithm. The performance of the above methods against a standard optimisation method based on Linear Programming is examined through a series of tests and numerical results are provided.

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