Chapter 1: Invited Addresses and Tutorials on Signals, Coding,
  Systems and Intelligent Techniques

Title: Inverse scattering procedures for active imaging systems at radiofrequencies and microwaves

Author(s): Matteo Pastorino

Address: Department of Biophysical and Electronic Engineering University of Genova, Genova, Italy

Reference: 12th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing pp. 29 - 33

Abstract/Summary: In this paper some of the recently proposed approaches for active imaging at radiofrequencies and microwaves are briefly discussed. In particular, image-based inversión methods are considered. The starting point for these approaches is represented by the electromagnetic inverse scattering theory. In order to obtain images of the object under test starting from measured field-scattered data, inversion procedures are usually applied. The aim can be the numerical solution of the nonlinear (ill-posed) equations of the inverse scattering problem. Otherwise, suitable approximations can be used (e.g., Born and Rytov approximations). In the present paper, deterministic and stochastic approaches are considered and briefly discussed.

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