Chapter 5: Science, Public Health and Food Security

Title: Difficulties in accessing social security of children and young people living in child headed households in South Africa


Abstract/Summary: This paper explores the difficulties that children living in Child-Headed Households (CHHs) have in accessing a Foster Care Grant (FCG) in South Africa. CHHs are often defined as a group of children living together under the age of 18. When the oldest child turns 18, the household is no longer considered to be child-headed. It is argued that the oldest child is a legal adult and can access the FCG. In this paper, I will argue that, although legally able to, young people above the age of 18 have difficulties accessing the FCG. These difficulties are first of all related to economic factors. Secondly, young people above the age of 18 are often perceived and treated as children, and they often still see themselves as children. This makes it difficult for them to perform "adult tasks" such as applying for a grant.

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