Chapter 1: Invited Addresses and Tutorials on Signals, Coding,
Systems and Intelligent Techniques
Title: Solid or split ground in ADC systems
Author(s): C. Castro-Serrato, A. Pechlaner, R. Gledhill, M. Omer
Address: Infineon Technologies, AIM SGM MSE (Motorsport Electronics) Balanstrasse 73, 81541 Munich (Germany) | Infineon Technologies, AIM SGM MSE (Motorsport Electronics) Balanstrasse 73, 81541 Munich (Germany) | Infineon Technologies, AIM SGM MSE (Motorsport Electronics) Balanstrasse 73, 81541 Munich (Germany) | Infineon Technologies, AIM SGM MSE (Motorsport Electronics) Balanstrasse 73, 81541 Munich (Germany)
Reference: 12th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing pp. 381 - 384
Abstract/Summary: An analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) system was developed and analysed to try to clarify the long-running discussion about the best grounding technique for these kinds of systems. The PCB for this project was designed with two independent ADCs. It is possible to choose a 'split' analogue and digital ground or a 'solid' ground plane for each of the ADCs in order to compare the performance of the converters depending on the ground configuration.
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