Chapter 1: Invited Addresses and Tutorials on Signals, Coding,
Systems and Intelligent Techniques
Title: The Influence of Simultaneous Contrast on Image Appearance
Author(s): Lidija Mandic, Sonja Grgic
Address: Faculty of Graphic Arts, University of Zagreb, Croatia | Department of Wireless Communications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Reference: 12th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing pp. 269 - 272
Abstract/Summary: The rapid growth in color-imaging technology, has led to the fast development of color-management systems. Such systems require color appearance models to allow images originating in one medium and viewed in a particular environment to be acceptably reproduced in a second medium and viewed under different conditions. The aim of this paper is to find out the influence of background lightness on image perception (simultaneous contrast). The two most commonly used media: CRT-display (soft copy) and printed images (hard copy) and six complex images were included in this research. Experiment includes observers who performed color matching between soft and hard copies under different simultaneous contrast conditions.
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