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International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development

International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development (IJTLID)

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International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development (7 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A holistic Examination of Actor Dynamics and Governance Structures in the Ginger Value Chain: A case study of Southern and Central Regional States of Ethiopia   Order a copy of this article
    by Fetagn Gizachew, Birhanu Kuma, Alula Tafesse, Alemu Lambamo 
    Abstract: This study offers a comprehensive analysis of the ginger value chain in the Southern and Central Regional States of Ethiopia, revealing intricate relationships and governance structures. We used cross-sectional data from 343 ginger farmers and 28 traders. Despite ginger cultivation's significant contributions to economic growth employment, and sustainable practices, existing research gaps underscore the necessity for a holistic understanding of the entire value chain. Involving diverse actors, from input suppliers to retailers, the chain is influenced by market forces, hierarchical arrangements, and relational governance. Challenges such as pricing monopolies and power imbalances necessitate targeted recommendations including empowering collectors as farmer advocates, implementing regulatory measures to curb wholesalers' unchecked authority, and enhancing smallholder education. Strengthening legal organizations and promoting relational governance through transparency and collaboration are also crucial. Furthermore, advocating for collective action and legislative reforms ensures a balanced and prosperous ginger value chain.
    Keywords: Actor dynamics; Ginger value chain; Governance structure; Smallholder farmers; Ethiopia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTLID.2025.10064481
  • Bibliometrics for Analysing Business Opportunities and Players in the Pharmaceuticals Field   Order a copy of this article
    by Ambar Yoganingrum, Heru Susanto, Budi Nugroho, Yaniasih Yaniasih, Siti Kania Kushadiani, Koharudin Koharudin 
    Abstract: This paper aims to identify business opportunities and players in the pharmaceutical sector, especially herbal immunomodulatory developed using bioinformatics technology. The research results using a bibliometric approach show that several countries in Asia, including China, India and South Korea, dominate the ownership of scientific publications and patent documents for herbal immunomodulatory preparations. Apart from that, we see that the business opportunities for developing herbal immunomodulatory, especially using bioinformatics technology, are still wide open. This research shows that the number of publications and patent documents has increased rapidly since the 2020 pandemic. Countries with limited research budgets can utilise bioinformatics technology for faster and more cost-effective drug discovery. Those countries need to increase efforts, especially international cooperation, to address gaps in infrastructure and capacity of researchers and health professionals.
    Keywords: bibliometrics; herbal immunomodulatory; business opportunities; players; bioinformatics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTLID.2025.10065144
  • Uneven geographical distribution of R&D-related foreign direct investment in Latin America: uncovering the paradox of national development   Order a copy of this article
    by Carlos Loaiza Alamo 
    Abstract: R&D-related FDI can bring substantial benefits to host territories, but it may also reinforce divergences in development, leaving some areas economically behind. In this study, I analyse the spatial distribution of R&D-related FDI as a proxy of innovation in Latin America, both between and within countries, using manufacturing FDI activities as a benchmark. The study uses the fDi markets database to identify locations of R&D greenfield investments in 14 Latin American countries over the period of 2007-2017. The findings highlight the paradox between the benefits that host cities receive from R&D-related FDI and the uncertain future for no-host territories. Balanced regional development policies are critical to facilitate innovation promotion and address the broader need for a more equitable distribution of the benefits of such initiatives across the entire nation.
    Keywords: R&D FDI; concentration; Latin America; innovation systems; national divergencies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTLID.2024.10062774
  • Evaluating ChatGPT adoption through the lens of the technology acceptance model: perspectives from higher education   Order a copy of this article
    by Parveen Kumar, Anu Lohan 
    Abstract: This research delves into the complex landscape of technology adoption, focusing on ChatGPT 3.5, an influential AI language model within the education sector. This study utilises an extended technology acceptance model (TAM) to investigate the adoption perspectives of 352 students from 12 higher education institutions regarding ChatGPT. The analysis utilises confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) using the AMOS 26. The findings reveal that response quality significantly influences the perceived ease of use (PEOU) of ChatGPT, but it does not directly impact perceived usefulness (PU). PEOU plays a pivotal role in shaping both PU and the overall attitude towards using ChatGPT. These findings underscore the importance of enhancing response quality and user-friendliness to promote ChatGPT adoption while also encouraging critical thinking to mitigate overreliance on AI tools. The conducted research offers valuable insights to application developers, educators, government and policymakers in the evolving landscape of AI integration in education.
    Keywords: technology acceptance model; TAM; ChatGPT; artificial intelligence; higher education; technological learning; confirmatory factor analysis; CFA; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTLID.2023.10062106
  • Assessing the readiness for Industry 4.0 of metalworking companies: evidence in the south of Brazil   Order a copy of this article
    by Luis Fernando Moreira, Gabriel Vidor 
    Abstract: In Brazil, Industry 4.0 is still in the development phase, but there is a growing interest on the part of companies. In 2021, the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) conducted a survey that showed that 69% of Brazilian companies already use some Industry 4.0 technology. The main benefits recognised by the adoption of these technologies are increased productivity, improved product quality, and decreased production costs. This research aims to develop an Industry 4.0 maturity scale that applies to the metalworking sector of the Serra Gaúcha, considering the specific factors of the sector, such as the technologies applied in the sector and the processes. The maturity scale should be able to measure the level of maturity of companies in the metalworking sector about the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0. The research method is quantitative, and descriptive, applied through a survey of 250 companies in the metalworking sector of the Serra Gaúcha, Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil. The results show that Brazilian companies are still in the initial phase of adopting Industry 4.0 technologies.
    Keywords: Industry 4.0; maturity; metalworking; scale development; Brazil.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTLID.2023.10062201
  • ChatGPT: an emerging innovation or a threat to creativity and knowledge generation?   Order a copy of this article
    by Sami Mejri, Moatsum Al Awida, Stavroula Kalogeras, Bayan Abu Shawar 
    Abstract: The novel study explores the implications of integrating ChatGPT into higher education settings across universities in the USA. A quantitative survey was distributed to gather insights from faculty, staff, and students regarding ChatGPT's impact on pedagogy, academic integrity, and educational policy. The 22-item questionnaire, administered through convenient sampling, received responses from 56 participants. Findings showed participants' academic backgrounds, their self-reported perceptions of ChatGPT's impact on learners, impact on academic policy and practice, and e-learning were statistically significant predictors of its integration, The study identifies statistically significant correlations between ChatGPT use and learners' academic effort, creativity, communication quality, and the impact on academic policies and practices. ChatGPT can be both an intelligent tool for knowledge generation and a threat to academic integrity. Provided is an overview of the limitations of this study and make recommendations for future studies-emphasising the potential impacts of ChatGPT on the learner's effort, level of engagement, and creativity.
    Keywords: ChatGPT; instructional technology; mobile devices; higher education; educational apps; mobile learning.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTLID.2024.10063776
  • Investigating trust leap with AI: a consumer's behavioural model on autonomous vehicle acceptance   Order a copy of this article
    by Ludovica Burgese, Kyung Jin Cha 
    Abstract: Trust is crucial for automation acceptance across domains, yet exploration in the context of autonomous vehicles (AVs) remains limited. This study utilises an exploratory sequential mixed-design, combining qualitative and quantitative data analysis from an AV-focused survey, to investigate trust's role in shaping consumer acceptance of AVs. It validates the significance of trust in AI technology and provides unique empirical insights into the South Korean AV landscape. The study introduces novel dimensions of information transparency, including regulatory and individual factors, alongside conventional ones (benevolence, integrity, and competence), in shaping a source's trustworthiness. Findings reveal the heightened importance of regulatory transparency, particularly regarding data privacy handling and standards compliance, on consumers' perceptions of AV trustworthiness. South Korean consumer's prioritisation of personal safety over ethical values highlights the importance of considering heterogeneity in consumer behaviours and perceptions across different countries. Moreover, the research emphasises the significance of tailored digital literacy initiatives and infrastructure preparedness in fostering a conducive environment for AV acceptance, with direct implications for industry stakeholders, policymakers, and urban planners navigating emerging transportation technologies.
    Keywords: autonomous vehicles; autonomous driving; intelligent transportation systems; technology acceptance models; user acceptance; behavioural models; emerging technologies; artificial intelligence; AI; trust; trust leap; human-machine interaction; information transparency; South Korea.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTLID.2024.10063630