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International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies

International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (IJMSO)

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International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  •   Free full-text access Open AccessProposal for a framework of contextual metadata in selected research infrastructures of the life sciences and the social sciences & humanities
    ( Free Full-text Access ) CC-BY-NC-ND
    by Christian Ohmann, Maria Panagiotopoulou, Steve Canham, Petr Holub, Kurt Majcen, Gary Saunders, Maddalena Fratelli, Jing Tang, Philip Gribbon, Reagon Karki, Mari Kleemola, Katja Moilanen, Daan Broeder, Walter Daelemans, Pieter Fivez 
    Abstract: Usually, the focus of metadata annotation is on the research output rather than the context in which products were generated. The objective of this project was to develop a framework for contextual metadata, involving 6 research infrastructures (RIs) from 2 different domains. As a first step semi-structured interviews were performed to assess the current handling of contextual metadata. Then these results were put into perspective with the main entities of research processes in general, leading to a framework for contextual metadata. From the discussion with the RIs and in alignment with the referenced literature, basic entities related to contextual metadata are defined and organised in a framework. In summary, a considerable amount of contextual metadata information is already covered by the RIs, however, not always explicit but implicit within text descriptions. The RIs involved see contextual metadata as necessary to improve replicability and reliability of research and FAIRness,
    Keywords: contextual metadata; metadata schema; ontology; EOSC; research infrastructure; life sciences; social sciences & humanities; interviews; knowledge graph; framework.

  • Knowledge Graph-enabled Research. Participatory Modelling, Collecting, Analysing, and Retracing of High School Essays in Educational History.   Order a copy of this article
    by Julian Hocker, Christoph Schindler, Marc Rittberger, Marco Lorenz, Joachim Scholz, Tobias Weller, York Sure-Vetter 
    Abstract: This paper presents a knowledge graph that supports research in the community of historians of education and describes high school essays for the subject of German. Unlike established knowledge graphs that focus scholarly publications, the one presented focuses on the concrete needs of research practice and is used for interlinking historical sources like school essays, legal documents of laws, and heterogeneous types of publications for a certain period. The implementation of the knowledge graph allows researchers to analyse and retrace their work, engage in remote collaboration, and a combination of close and distant reading of texts. The explicit interlinking of sources and entities can be seen as a scholarly value chain, which can be retraced while doing research or used as an open science instrument for the research community and has been designed through a participatory approach of heterogeneous stakeholders.
    Keywords: digital humanities; knowledge graphs; open science; history of education.

  • Generic model of metadata management system for data lakes   Order a copy of this article
    by Hamza Elkina, Mohamed Rida Sahib, Taher Zaki 
    Abstract: Data Lake metadata management is a key to describe clearly the stored data and ensure efficient search query results especially for semi-structured and unstructured data. Moreover, high quality metadata provides the required information for decision-making. For this reason, we find the necessity to define a new approach called Metadata Management for Data Lakes (MMDL), based on metadata quality and classification. In addition, we establish a generic model adapted to the context of data lake by including data lake zones to identify data location during its life cycle, the model is consistent with the proposed approach, allow dealing with metrics used to evaluate metadata quality and metadata sources for provenance classification.
    Keywords: metadata; management system; metadata quality; data lake.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMSO.2024.10065105