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International Journal of Green Economics

International Journal of Green Economics (IJGE)

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International Journal of Green Economics (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • The promise of green finance: harnessing the power of sustainable investment in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Madhu Bala Kaushik, Anadi Trikha 
    Abstract: This research aims to illuminate the vast potential of green finance as a long-term investment that can significantly benefit the economies of all nations, instilling hope for a more sustainable and promising future. The study evaluates scholarly papers on green finance, focusing on its impact on economic development in India and other countries. The findings underscore the significant advantages any economy can derive from green finance as a primary means of sustainable investment. The research also highlights the hurdles that must be overcome to promote environmentally friendly finance, including increased investment, more vital legislation, and the urgent need for better measurement and reporting systems with greater public awareness. The study tries to give a picture of the Indian landscape for green finance and its relation with SDGs for economic growth. Still, every country has its resources and challenges, so the results cannot be generalised.
    Keywords: green finance; sustainable investment; sustainable development; green investment; financial instruments; environmental impact; economic impact; social well-being; India.

  • Evaluating drivers of single-use plastic ban in India: an empirical study (January-April 2023)   Order a copy of this article
    by Shruti Bansal, Shwetabh Mittal, Rachit Agarwal 
    Abstract: In India, the local ecosystem is under a lot of stress as a consequence of the increased practice of plastic shopping baggage. The adverse outcome of single-use plastic waste on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, including in the marine environment, is recognised worldwide. The solution to pollution caused by single-use plastics is an important environmental challenge for all countries. This research aimed to inspect the attitudes of consumers regarding the ban on single-use plastic. Overall 251 customers were recruited using a simple random sample method from different cities in the Delhi-NCR region from January 2023 to April 2023. The researcher has applied structural equation modelling (SEM) using Smart-PLS software and the findings indicated that each of the constructs had a statistical significance towards the single-use plastic ban except the environmental awareness and law and regulation. Furthermore, the study concluded that single-use plastic goods, regardless of their material, are harmful to the environment. so it is necessary to develop comprehensive, appropriate, short and long-term approaches that encourage reuse, and discourage single-use behaviour, policymakers must work with academics, NGOs, and the private sector.
    Keywords: single-use plastic; plastics ban; behavioural intention; environmental awareness; India.

  • Green finances impact on renewable energy: a comprehensive review and bibliometric analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Ranila Suciati, Siti Hidayati, Ayunita Ajengtiyas Saputri Mashuri 
    Abstract: This study examines the link between green finance and renewable energy through a bibliometric analysis of 227 Scopus publications. It identifies the Resources Policy journal as a major information source, noting a 350% surge in articles in 2021 and a 275% decline in 2024. Key research issues include the impact of green finance on renewable energy development and the role of policies in supporting green investments. Current research highlights green finance’s potential to foster sustainable renewable energy development and attract private investments. However, variations in findings underscore the need for further research to understand policy impacts and address implementation challenges. Using Scopus data, the analysis tracks trends from 2002 to 2024, showcasing green finance’s theoretical contributions and practical implications. Limitations in database selection and analysis methods suggest the need for a more comprehensive approach to fully understand green finance’s role in the global energy transition.
    Keywords: green finance; renewable energy; sustainability; alternative energy; carbon emission; bibliometric analysis.