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International Journal of Business Competition and Growth

International Journal of Business Competition and Growth (IJBCG)

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International Journal of Business Competition and Growth (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Consumer behaviour and purchase intention for sport utility vehicle (SUV): a bibliometric analysis based on Web of Science Database (2000-2021)   Order a copy of this article
    by Kavita Verma, Kapil Malhotra 
    Abstract: Research on consumer behaviour in the realm of sport utility vehicle (SUV) in the automobile industry has been formed by a substantial number of documents published in recent decades. This literature review aims to provide insights and synthesise the literature on the ongoing discussion of the concerned topic. For this purpose, the study applied bibliometric analysis to examine 166 documents published from 2000 to 2021, extracted from the most reliable Web of Science database. The study observed the three significant publication periods which have framed the evolution of SUV research. The findings of this review identified where SUV research is being conducted, its growth and trends with prospects, and the scope of present research interest discussed with a critical contribution through different authors, countries, institutions, co-occurrence of keywords, and co-authorship collaboration network analysis by applying VOSviewer and RStudio software, and also provides a potential direction for further research investigation in this emerging field. This research work adds extensive value to the field of SUV, given the expanding research trend of going automobile industry satisfaction among its customers, and will surely enable the automobile industry to achieve new intuition into this latest emerging area of the SUV segment.
    Keywords: sport utility vehicle; SUV; automobile industry; segment; consumer behaviour; bibliometric analysis; VOSviewer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2023.10063426
  • The road to innovation: exploring key factors driving open innovation in Indian MSME IT and ITES companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Praveen Kumar Khanijau, Saboohi Nasim, Mohd Akbar Ansari 
    Abstract: Indian MSMEs face challenges in implementing open innovation. This study identifies critical success factors and criteria for adopting open innovation in Indian IT and ITES MSMEs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 24 participants, including academics, government officials, and MSME representatives, and the data were analysed thematically. The findings highlight that implementing open innovation in Indian MSMEs is hindered by challenges such as inadequate funding and ineffective enforcement of intellectual property laws. Nevertheless, the study identifies essential success criteria, such as government programs promoting open innovation, strategic partnerships with external stakeholders, and fostering a favourable organisational culture. These partnerships provide MSMEs with multiple resources, knowledge, and expertise for driving innovation.
    Keywords: open innovation; MSMEs; information technology; information technology enabled services; organisational culture; strategic partnerships; government programs for innovation; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2023.10063427