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International Journal of Business Competition and Growth

International Journal of Business Competition and Growth (IJBCG)

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International Journal of Business Competition and Growth (6 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Effectiveness of sustainability related governance: evidence from India   Order a copy of this article
    by Punita Malik, Rajbir Singh 
    Abstract: The study delves into the newly bulging stream of sustainability related governance. The increasing prevalence of sustainability committees in companies has instigated researchers to explore such specialised governance and assess its impact on corporate sustainability. However, this research can be more pronounced by studying the mechanism behind such governance. Since, governance is exercised through decisions and strategies; this study investigates its role in enhancing the sustainability reporting strategy as well as quality. Panel data analysis is performed on a sample of 103 Indian companies for the period FY 2016–2017 to FY 2021–2022. The results reveal that sustainability related governance plays a significant role in formulating better sustainability strategy and enhancing the quality of reporting in companies. These findings contribute to existing literature as the value of sustainability related governance has been undermined in previous literature. Moreover, these findings could lead to better configuration of organisations into the sustainability milieu.
    Keywords: sustainability reporting quality; SRQ; sustainability reporting strategy; SRS; sustainability related governance; SRG; Global Reporting Initiative; GRI; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2025.10067356
  • The impact of mergers in times of crisis in Greece: strategic analysis of profitability maximisation and operating performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Sofia Kourtesi, Aikaterini Chasiotou, Christos Konstantinidis, Kleanthis Mouratidis 
    Abstract: This study analyses mergers concerning Greek listed companies in the recent time of intense economic and fiscal pressure. The primary research endeavours to assess the performance of all Greek companies listed on the Athens Stock Exchange that took part in mergers, from 2008 to 2020. The survey examines various financial ratios by employing accounting data from one to two years before and after the merger aiming at an in-depth analysis of the companies' performance in Greece. The results revealed that there was no statistically significant change in pre- and post-merger quantitative variables (financial ratios) in times of economic crisis.
    Keywords: merger; financial ratios; crisis; Greece.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2024.10068780
  • Challenges in entrepreneurial growth: exploring informal financing decisions of early-stage start-ups   Order a copy of this article
    by Vikku Agrawal, Jaykumar Padmanabhan 
    Abstract: Informal financing is a major source of funding for start-ups in emerging economies. Using primary data from 319 early-stage entrepreneurs in India, the study examines the respondents' choice of informal financing for their start-ups based on two key dimensions: entrepreneurs' experience in employment before entrepreneurship and their perception of institutional support. It draws motivation from cognition theory and analyses the data using regression analysis to examine the relationship. The findings suggest a significant relationship between the proposed determinants and entrepreneurs' decision-making. The study has crucial theoretical and practical implications. It probes into the hitherto under-researched segments of early-stage entrepreneurs, informal financing as entrepreneurs' first choice, and role of entrepreneurs' perceptions in decision-making. The study provides insights to policymakers to restructure entrepreneurial financing options and prompts practitioners to uplift entrepreneurship through mentoring, training and upskilling to develop a mutually conducive institutional environment.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial challenges; economic growth; emerging economy; start-up funding; informal financing; early-stage; entrepreneur behaviour; early-stage entrepreneurship.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2024.10068865
  • From uncertainty to stability: a case of cultural integration of two organisations   Order a copy of this article
    by Elham Malik, Siddhartha Dubey, Anjali Agarwal 
    Abstract: Cultural integration is essential and challenging during mergers and acquisitions in an uncertain global business environment. Kognitivus, an Indian management consultancy, presents its integration strategies in this study. The primary difficulty was transferring a team from Organisation 1 CMMI level 5 to Organisation 2 CMMI level 2. Kognitivus had a three-level model, which included stability, uniformity, and sustainability. The stability phase solved immediate problems, resulting in a smooth induction during the COVID-19 outbreak. The uniformity phase resulted in the harmonisation of practices and organisational cultures, creating new roles and performance systems. The sustainability phase prioritised long-term success focusing on performance management digitisation and enhancing HR policies. A strong HR plan, effective communication, and adaptable leadership were necessary for cultural integration. Integration resulted in increased productivity and decreased attrition. Strategic planning, adaptability, and understanding of human dynamics are critical to successful and sustainable integration in the global business environment.
    Keywords: cultural integration; capability maturity model integration; CMMI; Kognitivus; mergers and acquisitions; M&A; stability; uniformity; sustainability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2024.10068781
  • Influence of search experience and pricing on post-adoption behavioural outcomes of subscribers: a study of over-the-top video services   Order a copy of this article
    by Jasleen Kaur Saggu, Tarannum Mohan 
    Abstract: The study examines the influence of dimensions of search experience and pricing affecting user satisfaction on the post-adoption behavioural outcomes of OTT subscribers. Online structured questionnaires are used to collect data from 214 paid subscribers of OTT video services. Structural equation modelling is used to test the research model. The results reveal that perceived diagnosticity and perceived serendipity significantly affect user satisfaction. Price reliability, price-quality ratio, and relative price are also found to positively influence users' satisfaction level. User satisfaction significantly influences users' continuance intention and word-of-mouth intention towards OTT video services. The results confirm that subscribers who are satisfied with the search experience and pricing for OTT video services are more likely to continue their subscription and also recommend it to others. The key findings of the study provide fundamental theoretical and managerial implications for academics and service providers to utilise and implement.
    Keywords: continuance intention; over-the-top video services; pricing; search experience; word-of-mouth intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2024.10068864
  • Relationship amongst the factors formulating investor perception towards investment in crowdfunding   Order a copy of this article
    by Pratiksha Tiwari 
    Abstract: Crowdfunding in India has grown rapidly, with platforms like Ketto and Milaap facilitating donation, reward, equity, and debt-based campaigns. Equity crowdfunding, regulated by SEBI since 2014, is popular among start-ups. Challenges include regulatory complexities and trust issues, but success stories abound, showcasing its impact on innovation and entrepreneurship. The paper identifies factors that influence the behaviour of investor. Benefits, problems, reasons, different purposes, perception majorly influence contributors and creators for investing in crowdfunding. This model likely helps in understanding the relationships between the identified factors and how they collectively influence investor behaviour in crowdfunding. It formulates a second order confirmatory factor analysis model, both purpose and benefits have significant impact on formulating the perception for investors. This suggests that understanding the purposes behind investments and the perceived benefits greatly affects how investors perceive crowdfunding opportunities.
    Keywords: crowdfunding; perception; investment behaviour; benefits and purpose of investment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2024.10068887