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Atoms for Peace: an International Journal

Atoms for Peace: an International Journal (AFP)

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Atoms for Peace: an International Journal (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Assessment of the dosimetric index from IMRT and RapidArc plan for oropharyngeal cancer with simultaneous integrated boost technique in combination with EUD-based NTCP and TCP radiobiological models.   Order a copy of this article
    by Sougoumarane Dashnamoorthy, Ebenezar Jeyasingh, Karthick Rajamanickam 
    Abstract: The current research compared radiobiological and dosimetric results for simultaneous integrated boost plans employing RapidArc and IMRT planning procedures in oropharyngeal cancer from head-and-neck cancer patients. The indigenously developed Python-based software was used in this study for generation and analysis. Twelve patients with forty-eight total plans with SIB were planned using Rapid arc (2 and 3 arcs) and IMRT (7 and 9 fields) and compared with radiobiological models Lyman Kutcher Burman and Equivalent Uniform Dose along with physical index such as homogeneity index, conformity index. These inputs from these models are the dose-volume histograms calculated by the treatment planning system. The values obtained vary from one model to the other for the same technique and patient. The maximum dose to the brainstem and spinal cord and the mean dose to the parotids were analysed both dosimetrically and radiobiologically, such as the Lyman Kutcher Burman model effective volume, equivalent uniform dose, equivalent uniform dose based normal tissue complication probability, and normal tissue integral dose.
    Keywords: DVH; 3DCRT; IMRT; RapidArc; NTCP; TCP; EUD; Python.
    DOI: 10.1504/AFP.2023.10061434
  • Impact of body heterogeneity on secondary production in proton therapy: Monte Carlo code simulation   Order a copy of this article
    by Tomfey Essakpa Bakolia, Rajaa Sebihi, Abdessamad Didi, Kokou Adambounou, Eyakifama Hazou 
    Abstract: Hadrons, particularly protons, are well known in hadron therapy thanks to the ballistic accuracy they offer. However, their interaction is not always the same for all materials. This leads us to develop this work to study a possible impact that hadrons could have with certain human tissues or chemical elements on the depth performance and the production of secondary neutrons from a 200 MeV proton beam. The path of a beam of 200 MeV protons is approximately 25.7 cm in water. The introduction of materials, such as bone compact and lead and nitrogen, causes a change in yield at depth proton beam as well as the production of secondary neutrons, unlike tissues such as adipose. The modifications made by these different materials will be taken into account in the treatment planning, as well as in the choice of materials for the passive beam shaping technique or radiation protection measures.
    Keywords: fluence; dose deposition; proton; neutrons.
    DOI: 10.1504/AFP.2024.10064931
  • From gamma cameras to AI: the progress and global disparities in medical nuclear technologies (19502024)   Order a copy of this article
    by Tomfey Essakpa Bakolia, Kokou Adambounou, Eyakifama Hazou, Aminou Kondo Affo 
    Abstract: Since the 1950s, nuclear applications in medicine have transformed the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, particularly cancer. This paper explores major developments in medical nuclear technologies, such as the gamma camera, positron emission tomography (PET), and conformal radiotherapy. These technologies have played a pivotal role in enhancing diagnostic accuracy, improving treatment precision, and reducing patient risk. We examine the global impact of these innovations, the integration of Monte Carlo simulation codes, and the emergence of proton therapy and artificial intelligence. While these technologies are widely used in developed countries, their adoption in developing countries remains limited. We propose recommendations to improve access to and sharing of these technologies to broaden their benefits to a larger global population
    Keywords: nuclear medicine; radiotherapy; diagnostic imaging; radioisotopes; Monte Carlo; proton therapy; artificial intelligence; technology access.
    DOI: 10.1504/AFP.2024.10068913
  • Evaluation of two cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) models for treatment planning adaptive purposes   Order a copy of this article
    by Hossam Ragab, Magdy Khalil, Dina Abdelaziz 
    Abstract: To evaluate patient dose due to X-ray Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) using an initial helical CT simulator and to determine to what extent it can be used in Adaptive Radiotherapy (ART) for different cancer sites with different treatment planning techniques. CIRS-062M, CatPhan
    Keywords: cone-beam computed tomography; dose calculation; calibration curve; adaptive radiotherapy.
    DOI: 10.1504/AFP.2024.10069048