Calls for papers


International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation
International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation


IEA2021: Special Issue on: "Exoskeletons – Human-Centred Modelling, Simulation and Implementation"

Guest Editors:
Prof. John Rasmussen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Dr. Sascha Wischniewski, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Germany

Exoskeletons are breaking through as ergonomics safety equipment in workplaces and as rehabilitative or assistive devices. Large industry branches, such as warehouses, logistics, food production, assembly line work in general, facility management and construction are embracing mainly passive exoskeletons as safety equipment, while active exoskeletons bring the hope of enhanced mobility to the elderly or disabled.

This development requires a research foundation in which transitional topics of ergonomics, human factors, biomechanics and human models, in general, play an important role. In many cases, the effect of an exoskeleton intervention is difficult or impossible to measure, and accurate modelling is the only way to assess the effects before long-term and possibly undesirable consequences appear. Similarly, modelling and simulation of the interaction between the human and the exoskeleton may be the best way to drive the design of mechanics and control systems forward. This special issue aims to compile research on humans and exoskeletons in modelling and practice.

The Guest Editors will be inviting substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA2021), for review and potential publication, but are also inviting other experts to submit articles for this call.

Subject Coverage
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Anthropometry and exoskeletons
  • Biomechanics and exoskeletons
  • Modelling and simulation of humans and exoskeletons
  • Evaluation of exoskeletons in practice

Notes for Prospective Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B. Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written and if appropriate written permissions have been obtained from any copyright holders of the original paper).

All papers are refereed through a peer review process.

All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please read our Submitting articles page.

Important Dates

Manuscripts due by: 30 November, 2021