Title: A network coding protocol for wireless sensor fog computing
Authors: Bruno Marques; Igor Machado Coelho; Alexandre Da Costa Sena; Maria Clicia Castro
Addresses: Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Computacionais (PPG-CCOMP), Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil ' Ciências Computacionais (PPG-CCOMP), Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil ' Ciências Computacionais (PPG-CCOMP), Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil ' Ciências Computacionais (PPG-CCOMP), Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Abstract: A communication protocol for fog computing should be efficient, lightweight and customisable, enabling the computing results on the edges to be passed easily through the network. In this work, we focus on a communication protocol for fog nodes in a network composed of wireless sensors, which are autonomous and spatially distributed for monitoring physical or environmental conditions. Problems with data congestion and limited physical resources are common in these networks. For the optimisation of data flow, it is important to apply techniques that reduce the transmitted data. We propose a network coding technique and study its efficiency for data transmission protocols. The experiments were performed through a wireless sensors programming framework with TinyOS operating system, NesC language and TOSSIM simulator. Experimental results demonstrate a better performance when the network coding technique is applied to the data communication protocol, for different scenarios. Further results demonstrate the network coding efficiency for fog computing, with around 80% of the total messages exchanged compared to a traditional protocol.
Keywords: fog computing; wireless sensor; network coding.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGUC.2019.099688
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 2019 Vol.10 No.3, pp.224 - 234
Received: 03 Mar 2018
Accepted: 04 Aug 2018
Published online: 20 May 2019 *