Title: Entrepreneurial intention of students: a case of NIT Hamirpur (HP, India)
Authors: Santosh Kumar Sharma
Addresses: Human Resource Management Area, Indian Institute of Management, (Jammu), India
Abstract: The study examines the entrepreneurial intention of students pursuing various professional courses (BTech, MBA and BArch) from the National Institute of Technology Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh, India) which is commonly abbreviated as NIT Hamirpur (HP). Drawing on Ajzen's theory of planned behaviour (TPB) the study has examined the underlying factor affecting entrepreneurial intention in the selected sample. By employing structured research process and statistical techniques the study divulges the fact that attitude towards entrepreneurship is a critical factor in explaining entrepreneurial intention of students. However, demographical variables like gender and caste are irrelevant in explaining entrepreneurial intention of students. The study concludes that there is lack of awareness among students of NIT Hamirpur regarding various schemes aimed to boost entrepreneurial environment in the country. Implications and further directions have also been discussed.
Keywords: entrepreneurial intention; gender; caste; NIT Hamirpur; Himachal Pradesh; India.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2019 Vol.22 No.3, pp.316 - 331
Received: 06 Jan 2017
Accepted: 30 Jun 2017
Published online: 26 Apr 2019 *