Title: Influence of inventory management, capacity forecasting, price management and capacity outsourcing on hotel performance: a case study in Qatar
Authors: Girish K. Nair; Nidhi Choudhary
Addresses: Department of International Hospitality Management, Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Qatar ' Faculty of Management Studies, WISDOM, Banasthali University, Rajasthan, India
Abstract: This research is based on the empirical investigation of the significance of relationships between the inventory management, capacity forecasting, price management and capacity outsourcing on operational performance, innovation performance, customer satisfaction and cost leadership. The research methodology is survey sampling based on simple random sampling. The data is collected from the managers of 20 selected hotels in Qatar (n = 210). The analysis is through the structural equation modelling, a second generation statistical analysis which is based on partial least square method. Sixteen hypotheses were developed based on the earlier research in performance management in service industries and these hypotheses were tested. Ten hypotheses were supported and the rest rejected. Hypothesis testing has provided the basis for drawing managerial implications which could be useful for the performance enhancement of the hotels in Qatar.
Keywords: inventory management; capacity forecasting; price management; capacity outsourcing; hotel performance; Qatar.
DOI: 10.1504/IJKMTH.2018.099256
International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality, 2018 Vol.2 No.1, pp.50 - 71
Received: 01 Apr 2018
Accepted: 02 Dec 2018
Published online: 23 Apr 2019 *