Title: Data dissemination on MANET by repeatedly transmission via CDN nodes

Authors: Nattiya Khaitiyakun; Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn; Kanchana Kanchanasut

Addresses: School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand ' School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand ' School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand

Abstract: The efficient data dissemination in an infrastructure-less environment as MANET is the challenging issues. This paper proposes to adopt the CDN Technique for disseminating information in MANET. The source node disseminates data to surrounding nodes by repeatedly transmitting batches of packets. Our proposed is developed based on the OLSR. The CDN nodes are selected from MPRs to optimally cover all subscribers and to avoid the interference problem. The packets are transmitted to destination by using broadcasting technique. The performance is evaluated as probability of successful transmission by simulation using NS3, and compared with the pure OLSR and clustering-based data transmission algorithm in VANET. Our proposed improves the probability of successful transmission and achieves higher rate at high nodes' density when comparing with pure OLSR and clustering-based algorithm respectively. The closed-form mathematical expression of the probability of successful transmission of our proposed algorithm in multi-hop network environment is derived and verified.

Keywords: content delivery network; CDN; mobile ad hoc network; MANET; optimised link state routing; OLSR; information and communication technology; ICT; vehicular ad hoc network; VANET.

DOI: 10.1504/IJICT.2019.099114

International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 2019 Vol.14 No.3, pp.308 - 326

Received: 25 Nov 2016
Accepted: 08 Jul 2017

Published online: 16 Apr 2019 *

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