Title: The roles of uncertainty avoidance and strategic agility in cloud storage adoption among multinational manufacturing companies in Malaysia
Authors: Vivegananthan Supramaniam; Ai Ping Teoh
Addresses: Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia ' Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia
Abstract: Cloud technology adoption is becoming a key sustainable information technology (IT) strategy for companies in developing countries with an investment potential of US$900 million by 2020. This study examined the antecedents and outcome of cloud storage adoption among multinational manufacturing companies (MNCs) in Malaysia. A total of 122 responses were collected and analysed with SmartPLS 3.2.7. Results show that relative advantage, top management support, technology readiness, cost saving and stakeholder pressure significantly influence cloud storage adoption; while uncertainty avoidance moderates the relationship between technology readiness and adoption. Interestingly, cloud storage adoption impacts firm performance while strategic agility enhances this relationship. This study provides a new perspective by examining the influence of national culture and strategic agility in the context of cloud storage adoption and its outcome among MNCs in Malaysia. In conclusion, this study contributes holistic and meaningful insights to IT practitioners and researchers in adopting cloud technology as a sustainable IT strategy.
Keywords: cloud storage; technology-organisation-environment; cloud computing; culture; strategic agility; firm performance; multinational; manufacturing; Malaysia.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSSM.2019.099031
International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management, 2019 Vol.7 No.1/2, pp.131 - 151
Received: 16 May 2018
Accepted: 18 Oct 2018
Published online: 12 Apr 2019 *