Title: Novel security issues and mitigation measures in cloud computing: an Indian perspective

Authors: Sudhakar Godi; Rajasekhar Kurra

Addresses: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Swarnandhra College of Engineering & Technology, Narasapuram, Andhra Pradesh, India ' Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Prakash College of Engineering, Tuni, Andhra Pradesh, India

Abstract: Demand and need of the cloud computing industry are increasing owing to its wide range of applications. Data security is one of the major concerns of the cloud, especially in private and hybrid clouds. In this paper, a recent survey on usage of the cloud computing technology in India is presented. Related security issues regarding the public, private and community clouds concerned are also depicted. The survey has been conducted in both online and offline mode. It comprises opinion from 108 respondents out of 153 requests. A majority of participants reveal that they use cloud technology in their daily life applications and approximately 73% are concerned about the security issues, especially private cloud storage and the biometric security. Mitigation measures for all variants of the cloud technology are also presented. A novel statistical survey report for 2016 is presented regarding security needs and improvements by considering various parameters.

Keywords: cloud computing; security; private cloud; real-time survey; security-attacks; biometric.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2018.095946

International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2018 Vol.58 No.4, pp.267 - 287

Received: 01 Oct 2016
Accepted: 30 Oct 2017

Published online: 05 Nov 2018 *

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