Title: Implementation of photovoltaic energy generation to reduce the cost of electricity in the water sector in Jordan
Authors: Mohammed S. Al-Soud
Addresses: Engineering Faculty, Power and Mechatronics Engineering Department, Tafila Technical University, Tafila, 66110, Jordan
Abstract: Regarding the tariff modifications of the electricity system which occurred in 2013. The electricity prices for the water sector will increase annually from 76 fills in 2013 to 133 fills in 2017.This will increase the total electricity expenses to 250 million JOD per year. This study assessed and evaluated options to generate photovoltaic technology (PV) as a means to reduce the cost of electricity in the water sector. For this purpose, five water facilities were selected. The proposed solutions for the implementation of PV projects including their economic sustainability and technical feasibility, with the possibility to be connected the PV systems to the grid. For Jordanian areas, using typical CAPEX, OPEX and the current electricity prices for end-users the simulations emphasis that it is more economically sustainable and might bring sensible benefits for the water companies.
Keywords: water pumping; photovoltaic; net metering; power wheeling; capital expenditures; CAPEX; operating expenses; OPEX; Jordan.
DOI: 10.1504/IJETP.2018.095603
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, 2018 Vol.14 No.4, pp.390 - 408
Received: 21 Mar 2016
Accepted: 21 Nov 2016
Published online: 12 Oct 2018 *