Title: Noah and Joseph effects: floods and droughts under global warming
Authors: Zekâi Şen
Addresses: Civil Engineering Department, Engineering and Natural Sciences School, Istanbul Medipol University, Kavacık, Istanbul, Turkey
Abstract: Nature knows no deterministic laws and occasionally breaks records. Recently, there are many extreme weather events that end up with human effective harmful consequences with the increasing global warming, climate change and variability effects. This brings into the mind whether the nature replays from time to time Noah flood and Joseph seven-year drought effects in different manner in different regions. Due to anthropogenic impacts on the environment, there is an increasing trend in the global warming leading to present day climate change, and consequently, unprecedented changes in the extreme events' frequency, intensity, magnitude and areal extension. For the quantitative explanation of Noah and Joseph effects probability distribution function and innovative trend analysis methods are used in this paper. The basic question is whether the humans should also abide by the ethical, cultural and religious commends so as to minimise water related dangers for the benefit of living creatures?
Keywords: climate; drought; effect; flood; Joseph; Noah; probability; trend.
International Journal of Global Warming, 2018 Vol.16 No.3, pp.347 - 364
Received: 11 Nov 2017
Accepted: 27 Mar 2018
Published online: 03 Oct 2018 *