Title: Process research of seal ring groove based on magnetic abrasive finishing
Authors: Hong-Jun Quan; An-Yuan Jiao; Zong-Ze Li; Yan Chen
Addresses: School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan-114051, China ' School of Applied Technology, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan-114051, China ' 1 School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan-114051, China ' 1 School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan-114051, China
Abstract: Ring groove is widely used in sealing fields, the surface quality directly impacts on the sealing effect. But the size of ring groove is generally small, traditional polishing processes are difficult to improve surface quality. Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) is an advanced finishing process in which the cutting force is primarily controlled by the magnetic field. In the present work, an experimental investigation has been carried out to study the 45Cr seal ring groove with three type's magnetic circuit. Based on the simulation and measured results, the layout of the magnet poles was determined, the design and manufacture of experimental device were finished. The bottom and two sides of external ring groove on the seals of a hydraulic system were synchronised finished with the experimental device. The material removal, surface roughness and surface micro-topography of the ring groove were detected after finishing. Experimental results indicated that the surface texture, burrs of the bottom and two sides were removed; the surface roughness of the three surfaces were significantly improved, and the consistency was better, their values can be reduced to Ra0.6 μm. It is suggested that MAF process can achieve on synchronise finishing the bottom and two sides of the ring groove.
Keywords: magnetic abrasive finishing; MAF; seal ring groove; synchronise finishing; surface roughness; surface quality.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMTM.2018.095035
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2018 Vol.32 No.6, pp.565 - 579
Received: 27 Jun 2015
Accepted: 08 Feb 2016
Published online: 01 Oct 2018 *