Title: Epilam multifunctional nanosized protective films: synergy effect of antiadhesive and anti-frictional properties
Authors: A.S. Vokhidov
Addresses: Avtostankoprom Ltd., 190020, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Abstract: To address the concept of temperature-resistant antifriction coatings, great attention is paid to the growing use of multifunctional films. Epilams are polymer compositions, which, when applied to a solid surface, form a nanosize multifunctional molecular film of oriented molecules of surface-active agents (surfactants, SAA), which significantly changes the surface energy of the base (substrate).
Keywords: Epilam; epilamising; ultra-thin protective coverings; surface active agents; monomolecular films.
International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2018 Vol.15 No.4/5, pp.417 - 421
Published online: 15 Sep 2018 *
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