Title: Using a fuzzy MCDM approach to measure project complexity: a case study
Authors: Ehsan Pourjavad; Rene V. Mayorga
Addresses: Industrial Systems Engineering, University of Regina, 3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, SK, S4S 0A2, Canada ' Industrial Systems Engineering, University of Regina, 3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, SK, S4S 0A2, Canada
Abstract: Project complexity is considered as one of main factors of modern project management and should be better understood, analysed and measured. However, empirical studies related to the evaluation of project complexity are lacking. In this paper, four complexity criteria, project size, project variety, project interdependency, and project context-dependence are recognised for assessment of projects. Also, a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) is proposed to investigate the project complexity according to complexity criteria. The proposed model facilitates a consensus for decision-makers and reduces uncertainty. The application of the proposed approach is demonstrated in a case study of five projects performed by a company. The results reveal the usefulness of the proposed model in evaluating the project complexity in terms of complexity criteria. The findings also indicate the project variety and the project interdependency criteria have the highest impact on complexity of projects.
Keywords: project complexity; fuzzy analytical hierarchy process; FAHP; criteria; evaluation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2018.094613
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2018 Vol.30 No.1, pp.103 - 124
Received: 11 Jun 2016
Accepted: 11 Sep 2016
Published online: 10 Sep 2018 *