Title: Pushing technology to where the market will be: the case of Nokia
Authors: Pertti Karkkainen, Tero Ojanpera
Addresses: Lillangintie 36, FIN-02550 EVITSKOG, Finland. ' Nokia Corporation, P.O. Box 226, FIN-00045 NOKIA GROUP, Finland
Abstract: Nokia has evolved to a digital convergence company. Its telecom past has taught it important lessons in the power of networking. It continues to value open standards while it pursues innovations in the evolving areas of mobile phones, networks, multimedia and enterprise solutions. Nokia Research Center has aligned its research to maintain leading edge competencies in the relevant technologies, at the same time addressing the market needs. The discussion of the case examples highlights the risks and opportunities of radical initiatives.
Keywords: innovation; innovation management; technology management; corporate research; strategic planning; standardisation; road maps; networking; digital convergence; real options; market needs.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2006 Vol.34 No.3/4, pp.203 - 216
Published online: 03 Apr 2006 *
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