Title: Computer simulation of single frequency induction surface hardening of gear wheels: analysis of selected problems
Authors: J. Barglik; A. Smagór; A. Smalcerz
Addresses: Silesian University of Technology, ul. Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland ' Silesian University of Technology, ul. Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland ' Silesian University of Technology, ul. Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland
Abstract: Induction surface hardening of gear wheels is a complex technological process making possible to obtain a thin hardened surface zone of the tooth and to keep soft their internal part. Mathematical modelling of the process is still a serious challenge. It requires triply coupled simulation of non-linear, transient physical fields mostly in 3D formulation. The paper deals with the analysis of various factors influencing on accuracy of computations including material properties, heat transfer parameters and modified values of critical temperatures. The main goal of the paper is to evaluate an influence of three material properties: electric conductivity, specific heat and thermal conductivity on the accordance between computations and measurements. Exemplary investigations are provided for the single frequency induction hardening of gear wheels made of steel 41Cr4.
Keywords: induction surface hardening; material properties; coupled problems; modified upper critical temperatures; austenitisation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMP.2018.093278
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, 2018 Vol.13 No.1/2, pp.4 - 15
Received: 06 Oct 2017
Accepted: 12 Feb 2018
Published online: 24 Jul 2018 *