Title: Thermoeconomic analysis and multi-objective optimisation of MED-TVC and MED-TVC.FH systems using ABC algorithm
Authors: Davood Beyralvand; Mahmood Yaghoubi
Addresses: School of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Mollasadra Ave., Shiraz, 71936-16548, Iran ' School of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Mollasadra Ave., Shiraz, 71936-16548, Iran
Abstract: In this study, 4E analysis for feasible integrated systems for cogeneration of fresh water was investigated. Steam generation provided by a steam boiler, designed to supply the thermal heat requirements of MED-TVC and MED-TVC.FH systems. Parametric analysis is made to determine CO2 emission rate, gain output ratio, exergy destruction rate and special heat rate for each system. By using Artificial Bee Colony algorithm, systems were optimised for maximum exergy efficiency and minimum cost of the produced distilled water. The results showed that by selecting final optimum solutions, the distillated water cost reduced by 18.1% and 28.8% for MED-TVC and MED-TVC.FH systems respectively. Also exergy efficiency increased from 3.2% and 4.04% in the base case to 3.63% and 4.47% for MED-TVC and MED-TVC.FH respectively in the optimum case. The system with feed water preheater, has more exergy efficiency and less CO2 emission, also the cost of distilled water reduced by 7.86%.
Keywords: 4E analysis; MED-TVC; MED-TVC.FH; CO2 emission; exergoeconomic; multi objective optimisation; artificial bee colony algorithm; TRR method.
International Journal of Exergy, 2018 Vol.26 No.3, pp.329 - 358
Received: 02 Sep 2017
Accepted: 09 Apr 2018
Published online: 10 Jul 2018 *