Title: Collaborative trust-based security and power control techniques for VANET

Authors: P.S. Abi; M. Devi; V. Rhymend Uthariaraj

Addresses: I&CE, Anna University, Chennai, TamilNadu, India ' Department of ECE, University College of Engineering Arni, Thatchur, Arni, TamilNadu, India ' MIT, Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

Abstract: In VANET, security and power control are the two main challenging issues. In existing works on security, yield additional delay and overhead due to complex cryptographic operations. Hence, the objective is to develop a technique which provides higher security and power control in VANET with less complexity, reduced message dropping, delay, and overhead. Hence, in this work, a trust-based security and power control technique for VANET is proposed. In trust-based security, trust degree of each node is estimated in terms of collaboration trust, behavioural trust and reference trust values. Malicious vehicles are monitored by a set of verifiers. For reducing the power consumption, the channel is cooperatively reserved considering the time as well as channel reservation information. Simulation results show that the proposed technique reduces the delay, power consumption and overhead while improving the packet delivery ratio.

Keywords: vehicular ad hoc network; VANET; power control; collaboration trust; COLT; behavioural trust; BET.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMNDI.2018.092342

International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation, 2018 Vol.8 No.2, pp.65 - 72

Received: 06 Jan 2016
Accepted: 24 Sep 2016

Published online: 16 Jun 2018 *

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