Title: An android malware static detection scheme based on cloud security structure
Authors: Bencheng Yu; Peisen Song; Xiaoyuan Xu
Addresses: College of Information and Electrical Engineering, Xuzhou College of Industrial Technology, Xuzhou 221004, China ' College of Information and Electrical Engineering, Xuzhou College of Industrial Technology, Xuzhou 221004, China ' College of Information and Electrical Engineering, Xuzhou College of Industrial Technology, Xuzhou 221004, China
Abstract: With the popularity of Android system mobile phones, the security threat brought by its own security mechanism flaws is increasingly severe. Therefore, it is necessary to design a highly efficient and accurate detection scheme for Android malwares. In this paper, an Android malware static detection scheme which is based on cloud security structure is designed. For one thing, the main detection works of the detection scheme are deployed on the cloud servers, which can make the detection work efficient and fast. For another, use a highly efficient classifying algorithm to make a static analysis on the source code of targeted APK (Android Package) file can determine whether the application (app) is safe or malicious more accurately. Finally, in order to estimate the detection efficiency and accuracy, 1143 malware app samples and 2937 normal applied app samples are collected.
Keywords: hacker attack; administrator privileges; signature comparison; real time update of cloud information; android malware; cloud security; static detection; black-and-white list mechanism; decompile technology; accuracy of sample classification.
International Journal of Security and Networks, 2018 Vol.13 No.1, pp.51 - 57
Received: 17 Jul 2017
Accepted: 17 Jul 2017
Published online: 25 Mar 2018 *